“It has done a lot of damage to Chilean education”

by time news

The Minister of Education, Marco Antonio Ávila, announced last Wednesday that the Government requested to suspend this 2022 the tests of the National System for the Evaluation of Learning Outcomes, better known as Simcewhich is applied every year in the schools of the country.

The initiative was approached from the stress of the educational communities and “About this diagnosis of overwhelm”.

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“We have realized that these measurements are not comparable because in 2019, 2020 and 2021 we have three measurements that do not allow us to follow a cohort and therefore a comparability of assessments was somehow lostthat clearly, for those who are experts in the world of statistics, is very complex”, assured the minister.

in conversation with Express News from CNN Chilethe president of the College of Teachers of Chile, Carlos Díaz, assured that “in the first opinion that we had with the Minister of Education, we raised the need not only to suspend this test for this year, but also to definitely to think of a new educational model in which the Simce test does not exist“.

We believe that this test it has done a lot of damage to Chilean educationbecause it actually puts a logic basically in the perspective of generate competition against each other and not in a collaborative logic. But it also seems to us that it is central end standardization in education and to be able to definitively advance to an educational model in which not only language and mathematics are fundamental, but also let us advance towards the integral formation of the human being“, he claimed.

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The president of the guild stressed that this means “ending tests of this type, which only assess one or two or three subjects and not the totality of what the formation of the boy, girl or adolescent meansand we believe that it also establishes a logic of competition that has led educational establishments, teachers and also students to compete against each other for a long time”.

“We believe that educating is in a very different line from her. It is collaborating, it is helping each other“, he sentenced.

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