it is adopted, which will change for thermal colanders

by time news

Parliament has definitively adopted the climate energy law, which notably provides for a series of measures for energy-intensive housing also called “thermal sieves”. Here is what could change for you with the energy law.

[Mis à jour le 26 septembre 2019 à 15h23] The climate energy law was adopted Thursday, September 26 in the Senate. This law perpetuates a system for the renovation of housing qualified as “thermal sieves” or energy. As a reminder, they correspond to very energy-intensive housing. Here are the changes you should expect.

It’s a complex subject: how to fight against thermal colanders. At present, 7.5 million homes are currently classified in category F or G within the meaning of the energy performance diagnosis (DPE). To fight against these “thermal sieves”, one of the proposals was to ban their rental by 2025. It was even one of candidate Macron’s campaign promises. However, the measure was rejected in committee. The same fate was reserved for another proposal aimed at sequestering 5% of the sale price of energy-intensive housing from landlords in order to carry out energy-saving work. Parliamentarians and the government finally abandoned these restrictive measures, preferring more incentive measures.

Are you a landlord and concerned? Be aware, however, that the 2019 climate energy law provides for some changes. In detail, the device will intervene in three stages: a time of incentive, obligation and sanctions as a last resort. The stated objective is to achieve “the end of thermal colanders in 2028”, said the Minister of Ecological Transition, Elisabeth Borne. As of January 1, 2023, housing will have to meet a criterion to be considered “decent” and owners will be required to start work before 2028. If you have not respected this deadline, graduated sanctions could be implemented. The announcement of sale or rental must mention that the property is not in conformity.

Note that the revision of the rent, in the event of work, will be conditional on the achievement of a level of energy performance. If you are the owner, you will be obliged to carry out an energy audit in the event of rental or sale of your accommodation.

The CITE or energy transition tax credit will be transformed into a bonus from next year for all households, as part of the 2020 budget. This tax benefit corresponds to 30% of expenses incurred over the year, within the limit of a ceiling. From next year, the bonus, reserved for the most modest households, will be accessible as soon as the work is completed and each project will correspond to a specific amount of aid. Another major change, the CITE must integrate aid from the National Housing Agency (Anah) for the most modest owners. In addition, landlords will be able to benefit from it, which is not the case today. Currently, they must turn to the zero-rate eco-loan or to Anah to undertake energy renovation work.

What if an energy audit became mandatory for dwellings classified as F or G within the meaning of the energy performance diagnosis, known as DPE? This is the government’s wish, and it is becoming a reality within the framework of the climate energy law. This evaluation of the accommodation will a priori be more complete than the energy performance diagnosis. It must aim to propose work for each energy-intensive dwelling. As a reminder, the DPE now makes it possible to measure the quantity of greenhouse gases and energy consumed by housing. This diagnosis is mandatory and must be given by the owner to the tenant or during a sale. The DPE is valid for ten years.

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