It is necessary “to promote the particular practice of medicine in medical deserts by creating internships before internship”

by time news

Lhe proposal to disperse, in the territories in medical deficit, interns in the last year of training in the specialty of general medicine has made the representatives of these students jump.

Admittedly, postgraduate medical students wish to defend their statutory interests and the quality of their practice framework, but it would be wrong to believe that this rejection is due to any disengagement of these young doctors vis-à-vis the patients or for the defense of personal interests alone.

Read the editorial of “Le Monde”: “Medical deserts”, a political emergency

If this project is rejected, it is because of an error on the stated objectives. The revolt that comes in the face of the brutal and unprepared desire to assign them to medical deserts actually translates the feeling of contempt they perceive, with regard to their training and learning needs for this new exercise.

Diversification of training

Clearly, this assignment at the last stage of a ten-year course comes too late. It is indeed at the level of training during the medical course that the strategy must be reviewed.

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The project supported by the government should not only aim to provide an immediate response to the expectations of patients who encounter difficulties in accessing care. Its primary objective should be directed towards the need to diversify the training of these young doctors.

These two objectives can also complement each other and build together, which would make it possible to enhance the particular practice of medicine in territories lacking resources in medical specialties, care coordination and rapid access to first-line care.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Medical deserts: “I accuse the order of doctors! »

This training should begin in the second cycle of medical studies with scenarios within professional territorial health communities (CPTS) and other multi-professional networks. It is indeed necessary to make discover as soon as possible, in the university course, the medical practice in these territories and to show to the students that it can be attractive.

Reforms decided out of context and out of time

This discovery must occur before the internship, a postgraduate period devoted to learning specialties, including general medicine, and be fully integrated by a university contract into the student’s curriculum.

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To do this, it would be wise to create, at the entrance to the boarding school, a common course for learning the practices of care, within the framework of internships which could take place in these disadvantaged areas. These internships would also be formative through the discovery of ambulatory practices in various specialties and would not extend the duration of the third cycle.

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