It is not easy: the light rail will not start operating before 2023

by time news

Bad news for the crowds waiting for the start of the red line of the light rail: according to a publication by Omer Carmon in “The Marker” this evening, What was alluded to with concern not long ago It is now becoming a certainty – the problems with the automatic braking system of the trains will postpone the launch date of the RKK to 2023, with the Mahdrin even pointing to March 2023 as a realistic target date, another delay in a long series of postponements that the project has known.

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The first journey of the light rail – after the nationalization of the project as a result of the failure of the tender for its construction – was originally planned for 2021, postponed to November 2022 and now moved again to the first quarter of 2023 (hopefully). According to the publication, the government company NATA, which is responsible for the light rail project and is subordinate to the Ministry of Transportation, stated that the Ministry of Transportation is the one that requests not to issue an official announcement regarding the postponement until the new date is certain (or perhaps until there are elections and it becomes someone else’s problem). .

Another postponement and another postponement. The light rail on a test drive in Jerusalem Boulevard (Photo: Shutterstock)

The red line of the light rail stretches for 24 kilometers, connecting Bat Yam with Petah Tikva via Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan and Bnei Brak, and at the urban level creates a necessary connection between Jaffa and central Tel Aviv. The light rail was recently at the center of public attention when a campaign arose for its operation on Saturday, following the words of the Minister of Transportation Marev Michaeli that she would “check” the options that would allow this. Since then, Michaeli has not taken any visible actions that would indicate that she intends to act in this direction, and the hope that the government of change will bring about this specific change that enjoys the support of 70 percent of the public is receding.

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