“It is possible that it is in the world”, says author about the Antichrist

by time news

One of the most controversial topics and cause for curiosity on the part of Christians and people of different religions concerns the figure of the Antichrist, something that the researcher and writer specialist in Hebrew writings Getúlio de Alvarenga Cidade, author of the book “A Oliveira Natural: As Raízes Jews of Christianity”, understands very well.

Pandemic, escalation of authoritarian governments, war in Eastern Europe, Agenda 2030 of the United Nations (UN), economic collapse and the imminent escalation to a global military conflict are just some of the things that make the Hebraist believe that the Antichrist may already be among us.

“I believe that the Church is living its last cycle here on Earth”, he said in an interview with the Guiame portal, remembering the signs described by Jesus Christ in the 24th chapter of Matthew, such as earthquakes, diseases and rumors of wars.

All these signs have been accompanying the history of humanity for centuries, however, Getúlio Cidade recalls that “these cataclysms have been accelerating in recent years and altering not only global geopolitics, but affecting practically all areas of our lives, including the way we we relate”

Pandemic and war

The specialist cited the recent pandemic of the new coronavirus as an example, pointing out how it affected the behavior of society, allowing authoritarian measures at different levels to be applied in different countries.

According to the biblical prophecies about the Antichrist, the days that will precede the second coming of Jesus Christ will be marked by intense persecution of Christians, which suggests that, for this to occur in a wide and severe way, control mechanisms will have to be implemented.

“There was social segregation, behavioral changes at the individual and group level, restrictions on transit between countries and changes in international relations”, points out Getúlio, recalling that all this caused “a commercial, economic and financial crisis, bringing a climate of distrust between powers” .

As for the war in Ukraine, the expert argued that the pandemic has further aggravated the situation, and that it could escalate into a conflict of global proportions, resulting in a third world conflict.

This assessment has already been endorsed by different analysts based on the indirect involvement of nations such as the United States, Germany, United Kingdom, France and others in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, by sending increasingly powerful weapons to the Ukrainians.

“Since this is Russia, a frequent country in interpretations of biblical prophecies, we may be witnessing a conflict that will take on unpredictable proportions and that may, indeed, culminate in the return of the Messiah”, evaluates Getúlio.

a preparation

Based on these events, citing the UN’s 2030 Agenda and the advancement of technologies that have the potential to restrict human freedom, Getúlio believes that we live in a scenario of preparation for the manifestation of the Antichrist.

“Taking into account everything we have experienced so far, it is quite possible that it is already in the world, waiting for the appropriate moment to manifest itself”, says the specialist.

“Other events such as the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence, which has already been used for effective control of the masses, especially in China, added to the collapse of the global economy, probably caused by a catastrophe that could be another pandemic, for example, are part of this scenario of preparation for the Antichrist”, concludes the author.

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