It is the day of the hot face to face between Bolsonaro and Lula

by time news – The former progressive Brazilian president, Luiz Inàcio Lula da Silva and the outgoing far-right head of state, Jair Bolsonaro, seeking re-election, will face each other tonight on TV in the first debate in view of the second round of the Brazilian presidential elections, scheduled for October 30th.

The face to face promises to be “hot”: analysts assure that both will not spare heavy attacks on the adversary, as has already been seen in the electoral campaign so far, especially in recent days.

According to the latest poll released Friday by Datafolha, i56% of Brazilians would “in no way” vote for Bolsonaror, while 46% would not vote for Lula. An aggressive and destabilizing behavior is expected from Bolsonaro, very similar to that of the confrontation that took place a few days before the first round.

What will be the low blows

Corruption and the progressive leader’s past in prison will be the topics on which Bolsonaro will insist to discredit his rival and the experts low blows and lies are expected which will contribute to sow doubts in public opinion.

As for Lula, analysts say that the former president will maintain a proactive attitude, will focus on the fight against hunger and povertybut he also prepared to defend himself from possible attacks by Bolsonaro.

The question of the political use of religion by the far-right leader and some corruption scandals of his and his family will probably be cited by the former trade unionist as already happened in his most recent speeches. In the first round of the presidential elections, the progressive leader obtained 48.4% of the votes, against Bolsonaro’s 43.2%. The polls attribute 49% to Lula, against 44% of the rival.

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