It keeps you away from steroids.. If you put cloves in this way, it turns into a powerful stimulant that surpasses Viagra!

by time news

Clove is the dried flower buds of the Syzygium aromaticum tree, belonging to the plant family yrtaceae, an evergreen plant that grows in tropical and subtropical conditions. The average height of the clove tree is from 8 to 12 meters. Dried clove seeds are used as a spice in many foods and as a condiment for Arabic coffee. in addition to its various and useful medical effects. One of its common names in the Arabian Peninsula is Al-Uwaidi or Al-Mismar, as cloves are used by housewives and chefs to add a distinctive flavor to dishes. Although the homeland of cloves is the “Spice Islands” near China, areas of Indonesia, India, Pakistan and even areas of East Africa, the dried flowers of carnations extracted from the clove tree spread throughout Europe and Asia during the late Middle Ages as an important part of local cuisine and reached all parts of the world. around the world.

Nutritional value of cloves Each tablespoon of cloves (6.6 g), according to the US Department of Agriculture, contains the following nutritional information: Calories: 21 Fat: 1.32 Saturated fat: 0.35 Carbohydrates: 4.04 Fiber: 2.3 Protein: 0.39 Cholesterol: 0 Benefits of cloves for men Cloves are one of the best herbs that maintain a man’s health in his intimate life, and cloves have many benefits for men as they can be used as an aphrodisiac, and because of its strong antioxidant and neurostimulating properties, it is considered one of the most commonly used herbs by men, and its benefits for sex include: 1. Raising testosterone levels Eating a small amount of cloves helps increase testosterone levels, and therefore cloves are a natural aphrodisiac, and enhance the strength of a man’s erection. To obtain this benefit, it is recommended to add a small amount of ground cloves to the daily cup of coffee, as it adds a distinctive aroma and flavor to it, and ensures obtaining its benefits in increasing testosterone levels. More herbs can be added to cloves to get a better result in improving sperm quality and increasing testosterone levels. These herbs include: cinnamon and ginger. Cloves are also important for men’s health as they can also increase energy and excitement and thus leave you with a pleasant scent, which contributes to creating a strong physical attraction between men and women.

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