It should be the citizens who define their candidates, not the polls: columnist

by time news

2023-06-13 14:00:00

In the context of the presidential succession towards 2024, Columnist and political analyst Federico Berrueto proposes making the candidate selection process more public.

The editorialist criticizes in his most recent article published in VANGUARDIA that political parties trust the polls more than the polls.

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Not only PRI, PAN and PRD, which make up the “Va Por México” alliance, but also Morena, whose National Council did not include citizens as part of the candidate selectiondespite the fact that the President has fought for citizen consultations.

“Despite your saying about the citizen consultation or that the people have the right to decide the most fundamental issues, Apparently, who should continue with his political project is not a matter for the people to decide”, asserts Berrueto.

Morena, who began the succession process since 2021 promoted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, He has just defined the rules for choosing his candidate, a process in which only six applicants will participatefour from Morena, one from the Labor Party and one from the Green Party:

Marcelo Ebrard, Claudia Sheinbaum, Adán Augusto López, Ricardo Morenal, Gerardo Fernández Noñora and Manuel Velasco; All of them have until this Friday to leave their posts, although Ebrard has already beaten them to it.

In accordance with the rules established by the Council, each applicant will propose two pollsters and it will be the Elections Commission that chooses only four through a lottery.

Subsequently, said commission will carry out a mother survey and the pollsters will carry out four mirrors. The result of each one will be deposited in a ballot box from where the name of the chosen one will come out, whose decision will be final.

Unlike the official party, whose process is advanced, the opposition still has nothing clear. In this regard, Berrueto considers that a “quality citizen board” should be responsible for directing this process and choosing the candidate.

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However, “the PRI, PAN and PRD trust more in the polls than in the polls. They are cheaper, but less reliable and nowhere are they used as a substitute for electoral processes”refers to the political analyst.

Berrueto’s idea goes hand in hand with what has recently been demanded by the National Civic Frontmade up of civil organizations: democratization of the selection process through primary and open elections.

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The group believes that That is the way to build a legitimate and competitive candidacy that can face Morenaparty of which he criticized his “simulated method”.

“They have expressed their determination to organize it with prestigious personalities and accredited experience”adds the editorialist, who also criticizes that the parties “They claim credibility and legitimacy, but they don’t want to pay the price”.

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