“It was super impressive”: after the tornado, the village of Suippes in shock

by time news

It was a violent and intense gust of wind that swept through Suippes this Thursday afternoon, November 17th. A mini-tornado which lasted only five minutes but it was enough to cause great damage in this town of 3,800 inhabitants located in the Marne.

In the aftermath of the climatic phenomenon, the town is still healing its wounds. Fifty homes were impacted. And more than 150 homes were without electricity until Thursday evening. Tiles blown away, trees uprooted, cars destroyed, electric poles on the ground…. The firefighters’ rescue center, in the center of the tornado, was heavily affected: its roof was largely destroyed.

“The ceiling collapsed”

Kevin Marandel, resident of Suippes and volunteer firefighter, had the fear of his life. Everything changed for him in a fraction of a second: “I was walking quietly down the street. I was a few meters from the barracks when the whirlwind hit me. I ran to take refuge inside under a desk. The ceiling collapsed in the room where I was. I wasn’t hurt but I was in shock. I heard people screaming outside. »

After his great fright, Kevin ran to lend a hand to his colleagues from all over the department. In total, nearly 60 firefighters were mobilized to secure the scene. On the side of the inhabitants, there were no injuries and no request for relocation. “Some were rehoused with their families, but the local residents were above all shocked by the intensity of the phenomenon. It was super impressive because it was located on a 50 m wide corridor. The water infiltrated massively and the ceilings fell, the tiles were blown by the intensity of the wind. Debris, tree tiles, sheet metal, everything had to be cleared away… Craftsmen also came to secure the roofs”, explains the mayor of Suippes, François Collart.

Once the danger has passed and the perimeter has been secured, it is now time for findings and repairs of all kinds for the homes and vehicles affected.

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