It was the hottest autumn ever, the Arctic ice pack is at the minini-

by time news

November recently ended globally was the hottest November month for accurate records and in Europe it was the hottest autumn ever. This was certified by scientists from Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), the European Union’s climate change service, at the end of the meteorological autumn, which runs from 1 September to 30 November.

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November was about 0.8 degrees above the reference period (1981-2010). Temperatures were above average over a large region covering much of northern Europe, Siberia and the Arctic Ocean. Significantly higher than average temperatures were also recorded in parts of the United States, South America, southern Africa, the Tibetan Plateau, East Antarctica and much of Australia.

Warm autumn

The average autumn temperatures in Europe were higher than in the past autumns: +1.9 C over the 30-year reference period and +0.4 C compared to the average temperature of the warmest autumn previously recorded in 2006. The Arctic region and the Northern Siberia have been experiencing well above average temperatures throughout 2020.

Arctic, melting ice and Sentinel-6

Data from C3S shows that in November the Arctic pack ice reached its lowest level recorded in November since 1979, when satellite observations began. This worrying trend highlights the importance of comprehensive monitoring of the Arctic, as it is warming faster than the rest of the world, commented Carlo Buontempo, director of C3S at the European Center for Medium-Term Weather Forecasts (Ecmwf). With this in mind, the Copernicus Sentinel-6 satellite, launched last November 21 from the Vandenberg base in California with a Falcon 9 rocket from SpaceX, the aerospace company of Elon Musk, will control the rise of the seas. Sentinel-6 uses a highly accurate radar that will measure the height of the oceans, waves and wind speed to understand changes due to global warming. Satellite data has shown that over the past 30 years the ocean level has increased by about 3.2mm per year on average and that in recent years the rate has increased to 4.8mm per year.

December 7, 2020 (change December 7, 2020 | 17:30)

© Time.News

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