It was used in the past to facilitate childbirth and an African tribe used it to protect from the sun.. the benefits of blood stone

by time news

A dark green stone with bright red markings on its surface, hematite or hematite is a variety of chalcedony that is in a hexagonal crystalline form.

Bloodstone is among the most famous gemstones known for its dense mineral content. In addition to the many benefits it provides, the stone has been used in the manufacture of various ornaments and home decorations since ancient times.

Green Bloodstone with Red Pimples/Social Media

Used to facilitate childbirth and preserve blood

Bloodstone has been used since ancient times, and it is one of the stones that contain magnetic energy, it is often used in the manufacture of various ornaments and ornaments, and recently it has become one of the preferred natural stones for men’s jewelry products.

Bloodstone is also a red oxide like iron rust. In the past, it was worn over wounds to stop bleeding after it was cut and polished, and it was also used to help women during childbirth, and blood stones are still used in some areas today to keep blood healthy and clean.

Bloodstones are generally found in deposits of iron found in nature, and because it exhibits properties similar to iron, there are cases of mixing between them, since it is also a mineral used in the production of steel.

Bloodstone has a brittle structure due to its crystallization property, can be broken even by human hands, and is meticulously processed when used in accessories and jewelry to ensure it does not break.

Bloodstone consists of iron, and it has several mechanical properties, as it was formed thousands of years ago after mixing iron with magnets between rocks. This stone is usually confused with iron because of the great similarity between them, but after processing it becomes like a lily stone whose color is mixed between brown and red.

Hematite is generally found in areas where iron is present, as well as in hydrothermal veins associated with igneous rocks, but the largest reserves of hematite are of sedimentary origin.

Some people like to carry this stone or place it somewhere in their homes, believing that it has “positive energy.” No matter how true this belief is, this natural stone is very elegant and is used in bracelets, earrings and necklaces.

types of hematite stone

Hematite is one of the different types of hematite. There are many stones that have the same mineral or magnetic composition:

  1. Iron mica or spicularite, the most famous of the hematite stones, is a crusty mineral with a fine crystalline structure, characterized by its dark black color, and is often used in jewelry.
  2. Hydro Hematite is a mineral that contains a certain amount of water. The stone is distinguished by different colors above it, which makes it one of the best stones for making decorations due to its large size.
  3. Iron sour cream is a soft, flaky, cherry-red mineral that feels greasy, especially after exposure to high temperatures.

Acid iron stone / Wikipedia

Acid iron stone / Wikipedia

Hematite stone and African tribe

According to the American Geological website, “Geology”, blood stone can be used in the form of bracelets or inside jewelry, in addition to some home decorations made of stone or that contain only pieces of it that can benefit from the properties mentioned earlier.

This hematite stone is also commonly used in the Himba tribe of Namibia, where the women of the tribe grind the stone and mix it with butter, and then heat it with smoke until they get a creamy red texture. Women in this tribe use the cream to protect from the scorching sun.

Women apply it all over the body and on the hair to get moist skin and free from the month. This tradition goes back to the customs of the ancient tribe that used the stone as a way to differentiate between women and men, as their body and hair become red from the constant use of the mixture.

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