“It will end well for each of us”

by time news

2023-07-14 15:28:11

Olaf Scholz

At the summer press conference, the Federal Chancellor emphasized the successes of the traffic light government.

(Foto: IMAGO/Political-Moments)

Berlin Almost half of the legislative period is over and the Chancellor is taking stock. At the summer press conference in Berlin on Friday, Olaf Scholz talks about the problems piling up on his desk: the Ukraine war, the upswing of the AfD, the China strategy and the dispute over the heating law. The Handelsblatt provides a summary of the most important points.

The modernization of Germany

The pace of change has been significantly accelerated, said the SPD politician. He referred to the federal government’s goal that 80 percent of electricity should come from renewable energies by 2030.

All laws have already been put in place to achieve the goal. According to industry information, the proportion is currently more than half.

The chancellor mentioned future investments: The federal government supports the settlement of semiconductor factories with enormous sums. Intel in Magdeburg is to receive almost ten billion euros from the state for a total investment volume of 30 billion euros.

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