“It would be great if the Indian players supported!”- Former LGBTQ+ Cricket Team Captain Manish Modi | Exclusive interview with world’s first LGBTQ cricket team captain Manish Modi

by time news

How did you come to know about Graces Cricket Club?

“In 2007 I had a boyfriend named Graham. He had no involvement in cricket. He knew about the club by following social media and newspapers. He was the one who suggested to me that I would be happy at Graces Cricket Club when he found out about my passion for cricket. Playing for an LGBTQ+ team. I was afraid of what would happen if I was found out at home. But I overcame that fear and realized that we have a life and I have to be myself. The club welcomed me eagerly.”

How did you tell your parents that you’re a bisexual? What was that moment like?

“I told my dad at home for the first time. It was a very nervous moment. I had my first drink with him when he was in London. It seemed like the perfect moment to tell me. I had been preparing for it for a week. Not only did I say that I was attracted to Tanpal, but also what kind of father he was to me. I also wanted to tell him that he is my hero. Because in India there is always a big gap between parents and children. I can’t even open up to my parents. Also, I said that I can’t marry a girl again because I am attracted to Tanpal. Dad, he understood me and said, ‘This is your life. Whatever happens, always. You are my son. Just give me the respect you deserve.’

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