Itai Segev: “I was always afraid that they would say – ‘You are on the children’s channel, a beautiful thing'”

by time news

Itay Segev is a comedian and stand-up artist who entered our lives when he participated in the iconic comedy show “The Comedy Store”. From there, he entered the children’s world, hosted the “Children’s Channel”, and even participated in the musical “The Magician”. So what led him to participate in the show “I gave up”, which unfolds the story of a woman who succumbed to eating disorders and the center of her life is her work writing erotic chats on a porn website? That’s exactly what Iris Cole on 103FM tried to find out when she talked to Segev before the performance of the show as part of the “Klim Shloviv” festival in Tsotva.

The two started the interview in a philosophical atmosphere, claiming that “I gave up” is a strong word. “Sometimes it’s good,” admitted Segev, “sometimes it’s good to give up in order to get more. In the play, ‘I gave up’ is giving yourself up because you don’t believe in yourself and cover yourself in a kind of shell of all kinds of costumes and things,” said the actor.

When asked what the play was about, he said that there was an erotic chat between him and someone, “But that’s not his personality as far as I’m concerned. Many times I’ve been offered roles that have something sexual in them and I felt like it was a gimmick. Here when I read it and saw that there were sexual texts, but it’s the complete opposite of blunt , there is something melancholy and sad about it. The essence of it is that I am ‘Peter Pan’, which is my chat nickname, and I conduct erotic and fantasy conversations because that’s the only way I can.” He later told about his concerns, and admitted: “I was always afraid that they would say ‘Segav, the children’s channel is a beautiful thing'”.

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Segev shares the stage with Lilach Birt, Ahinoam Gelbfish, Viniv Winogradsky and did not forget to compliment them. “What’s interesting here is that we’re both living in a fantasy. The character is a girl who weighs 170 kilos, and I’m insecure. There’s a lot of back and forth,” he explained, “Aristotle said art is putting yourself in a situation, but today it’s the other way around. Reality becomes fantasy. You Strong like Superman, not the other way around,” he said. Are we more we in fantasy? According to him, it’s not always what we want to be, “many times it’s ‘us’ only in a more extreme way. In the chat between Peter Pan and her, I write as Peter Pan, I escape into fantasy and turn it into reality,” he admitted.

Editing: Eden Ben Ari, 103FM

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