Inflation and its sharp fluctuations are affecting tourism in Turkey.

Inflation in Turkey reached 75.4% in May and was further fueled by rising prices for accommodation and restaurants.

Hotel prices and ticket costs are skyrocketing, making Greece economically benefited.

Result; Turks “vote” Greek islands for their holidays as it is more economical for them.

Inflation is volatile in Turkey

As the Italian press reports, the problem is that inflation has been extremely volatile and merchants and hoteliers first redeemed their losses from the inflationary outbursts and then adjusted prices based on very high inflationary expectations, which then were not fully implemented.

The result was a very high increase in the prices of hotel services, making it more convenient for Turks to go on holiday… to the neighboring Greek islands.

In Samos, where around 40,000 Turks spent their holidays in 2023, more than 150,000 are expected.

“They don’t come at night”

At the same time, the publication states that tens of thousands of Turks are sailing towards the Greek islands of the Aegean. This is not about the “night military invasion” with which Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan often threatens.

Greeks can no longer afford the cost of holidays in their own country

Among other things, the Turks praise the Greeks on social media for their hospitality. A situation that has an absurd “taste”: in fact, at the same time, half of the Greeks can no longer afford the cost of holidays in their country.

Many Turks complain about the high prices

One of Turkey’s top restaurant associations has asked its members to offer 10 percent discounts on their menus in a bid to “revive” the industry, Turkish newspaper Hurriyet reports.

The article also states that high prices in Turkey give Greeks record profits.

Turks bring more than double the income to the Greek islands

According to the newspaper, the regional governor of the North Aegean, Kostas Moutzouris, is satisfied that the Turks bring more than double the revenue to the Greek islands than the charter tourists from northern Europe.

Express visa

In fact, around 20,000 Turks in Greece opened the tourist season in early April.

In April, Turks were able to easily obtain seven-day visas for the islands of Chios, Kos, Lesvos, Rhodes and Samos. From May, this also applies to Leros, Lemnos, Kalymnos, Kastellorizo ​​and Symi.

G. Gerapetritis: The “Visa express” program for Turkish citizens starts on March 30

The simplified visa procedure, which is an exception to the Schengen rules, was agreed in the context of the 5th High Council of Cooperation between Greece and Turkey on December 7, 2023, where it allows Turks to stay for seven days without the possibility of further travel to other EU countries.

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