Italy: after the resignation of Draghi, the sovereignist party Ancora Italia takes off

by time news

In Italy, on July 21, 2022, following the loss of confidence in parliament by three parties in his coalition, the President of the Council Mario Draghi was forced to present his resignation to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, who accepted it. The departure of Mario Draghi, after 17 months in power, opens a new period of political instability and divides the Italians. If some of them are worried about the fall of a respected man abroad, especially with institutions such as the European Central Bank, of which he was president from 2011 to 2019, others are delighted. the man has thrown in the towel. On September 25, early elections will be held in Italy in an unstable economic context while the country is facing an acceleration in inflation, which stands at 8% for the month of June, the highest rate since the oil counter-shock of 1986.

Among those who welcome the departure of Mario Draghi, there are the supporters, supporters and initiators of the First Festival of Constitutional Resistance, which took place on July 9 and 10 in Turin. Among the participants, many students who had cut their teeth by mobilizing for several months against the vaccine “Green Pass” and so-called anti-Covid injections. This movement is not limited to the only fight against the vaccine pass, since it is the whole of the policy of the head of the government which is denounced there with a lot of virulence. Among the main protesters, Mario Liccione, leader of the organization “La Variante Turinoise”, speaks of a ” government of all abuses, which disregards the will of the Italian people ».

Two speakers stand out among the young Italian dissidents: Davide Barillari, Lazio regional councilor and his ally, the Roman deputy Sara Cunial. Together, they had founded in May 2020 a coordination of movements opposed to health restrictions deemed draconian. For lack of green pass, they had been expelled from the 5 Star Movement (M5Stelle) and denied access to the Regional Council and the National Parliament. Freedomicidal measures which had forced them to receive citizens outside democratic institutions to meet them in external places.

Also present in the demonstrations in Turin were the famous suspended doctor Barbara Balanzoni and the editorialists of the movement of young intellectuals gravitating around the news channel Cento Giorni da Leoni (100 days in the lion’s skin), which had also joined the journalist Enrica Perrucchietti and essayist Paolo Borgognone.

Despite the success of this festival and the presence of thousands of people during a holiday period, the event received little coverage by the “mainstream” media with the exception of the ANSA press agency. On the other hand, independent and alternative media like Byoblu TG24 widely echoed the event.

On July 16 and 17, another event, this time held in southern Italy, brought together citizens who wanted to give themselves the possibility of changing their political system. The Ancora Italia party met at the Palapartenope theater in Naples. Like the Austrian party MFG Ö, this party led by Francesco Toscano, a lawyer turned journalist at Visione TV, was born from the desire to “ reaffirm that Italy is us, that we are still here (Ancora) and that we are taking the opposite path to that of the advocates of the abandonment of sovereignty and of the alleged “irreversibility” of the processes of globalization and deregulation. To do this, he proposes a program of rupture in order to reconquer all sovereignties and offer decision-making power to the people. The demonstration, which brought together 3,500 people, brought together all the movements that position themselves against the directives of the European Union, the euro or even the political and military decisions of NATO. Only the Movimento 3V party of general secretary Luca Teodori was strangely missing.

This event brought together prominent right and left wing personalities. There were politicians who had withdrawn from the government parties, such as MEP Francesca Donato (she had left Matteo Salvini’s La Ligue), or Pino Cabras, the leader of the L’Alternativa C’è movement (founded after having been expelled from the 5-star movement). We could also note the presence of the founder of the new Communist Party Marco Rizzo and that of Senator Bianca Laura, also expelled from the M5Stelle.

Other personalities, including former magistrate Antonio Ingroia, who also took political action in 2013 by leading a citizens’ movement for work and legality, Civil Revolution, joined the Ancora Italia movement.

Francesco Toscano, accustomed to outspokenness, does not spare his criticism of his political adversaries. Mario Draghi is for him “ the man who embodies the worst of international finance which has always been subservient to the interests of the United States. “As for Matteo Salvini (Lega) and Beppe Grillo (M5Stelle), they are only” actors reciting the role assigned to them ».

For the early elections on September 25, various formations allied to Ancora Italia will present candidates throughout the peninsula. Already in the campaign, the president of Ancora Italia calls on the abstainers to descend into the arena: ” What’s the point of having clean hands if you keep them in your pocket? “, launched Toscano. A campaign where he also returns to a troubled period in Italian history to also recall the political work of former Prime Minister Aldo Moro, whose political line is reminiscent of that of General de Gaulle. Supporter of the “historic compromise” between the Christian Democrats and the Communists, this former professor of criminal law, elected to the Constituent Assembly in 1946, had also participated in the drafting of the new constitution of 1946 but also in the development of the Code Camaldoli, which defined the major industrial projects for the country.

Assassinated on May 9, 1978 by the Red Brigades, some spoke of the instrumentalization of the far-left terrorist organization by American officials to derail negotiations and ensure that the integration of Communists into the government could not be done. A thesis shared by Francesco Toscano, who believes that Aldo Moro was kidnapped and murdered for “ having defended Italian interests from the clutches of evil powers like those of the Anglo-Saxons. »

To get an idea of ​​the strength with which these different groups engage, here are excerpts from a speech that followed Mario Draghi’s speech in the Senate on July 20. This intervention briefly summarizes the broad lines of all the themes dealt with at the Ancora Italia Congress. It is Senator Bianca Laura Granato, now representative of a mixed group in the Senate called “Uniti per la Costituzione” and bringing together in particular Alternativa, the Communists, Ancora Italia who speaks:

« Today, we close – perhaps – the parenthesis of a government that had no hesitation in imposing an international agenda devoid of any logic or public interest.

Provisions of a gravity unknown since the fascist era have been adopted. You have taken measures that have prohibited citizens from moving, workers from working, depriving millions of families of their means of subsistence, in order to consolidate a society of control based on fear. We have seen workers forced to inject themselves with an experimental pharmaceutical that has already led to the death of thousands of Europeans. (…) The Italians have understood that Draghi intends to reduce Italy to the state of Greece in 2015. His agenda is private debt, social control, health care dictated by Big Pharma, the relief of provident schemes by eliminating the elderly and the fragile by vaccinating them every three months.

Since the arrival of the Draghi government (…) we live in a totalitarian state which imposes its false narrative on millions of citizens, and suppresses all dissent by means of violence. … However, the majority [parlementaire] supported this criminal architecture as one man. And this, even when weapons are sent to Ukraine, depriving us of Russia’s energy resources. The majority did not rebel. Now she wakes up for the election. But, in the meantime, the expiry date of the anti-Covid vaccines will be renewed automatically, a science subject to financial speculation in order to achieve the permanent state of emergency. »

On July 20, veteran journalist and dissident Massimo Mazzucco posed the question of abstentionism to Francesco Toscano as follows: After being shamelessly betrayed by Lega’s Matteo Salvini and M5Stelle, who sided with Draghi, why should the Italians trust you? »

As for the press mainstream, it is now impossible for him to ignore such a large gathering. In an attempt to light counter-fires and create a diversion, she waved “the Putin scarecrow”. A strategy which may work for a time but which could very quickly show its limits, especially when the Italians become aware of the latest projects of the United States for Italy. To do this, the creation of a gigantic venture capital fund, the NATO Innovation Fund by NATO must finance the DIANA project (Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic) which should be based in Turin. The former Italian automobile capital, which had up to seven Fiat factories, is struggling to mourn and retrain. And even if Turin is trying to reinvent itself by developing new activities, particularly in the field of scientific research and culture, the void left by the collapse of industrial activities is very real. Plagued by mass unemployment, the economic, political and identity crisis that the former political capital of Piedmont is going through can only favor the installation of projects like DIANA.

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