“Italy has no public psychology, so is social injustice”

by time news

2023-04-18 13:35:18

“On the subject of the psychological distress of young people, it seems to me that there is a difficulty in thinking about the answer which, however, is clear: we need a response from psychology, but Italy doesn’t have a public psychology, there is neither prevention nor health promotion. Those who can afford it take care, those who cannot do not take care of it, so we are faced with a social injustice”. He underlines this to time.news Salute David Lazzaripresident of the National Council of Psychologists’ Orders (Cnop), for the special time.news Salute dedicated to the psychological distress of young Italians.

“If the Government wants, it can intervene on this because the psychological one is a primary need of people – recalls Lazzari – and if it is a primary need it must be declined in terms of prevention, listening and support. Therapies must be placed where it is needed and I think that school is one of the places where discomfort can be intercepted. I’m not saying we do school psychological therapy, but we don’t even have to wait for the kids to get sick, “he underlines.

Lazzari highlights some gaps in the community houses envisaged by the Pnrr Health Mission. “In the State-Regions agreement and in the Agenas standards for community houses, psychologists are considered a luxury – warns Lazzari – At present, citizens who have psychological discomfort, keep it or have to pay for therapy. But out of 10 who are sick, two have a psychiatric problem and 8 have psychological discomfort. Well, we don’t give any answers to these 8. The school principals are asking to have psychologists, but no one responds to this appeal. It almost seems taboo – he concludes – as if the treatment of psychological problems were reserved only for wealthy people”.

#Italy #public #psychology #social #injustice

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