Italy: Mario Draghi in the storm

by time news

UA powerful wind of crisis is blowing over Italy today. If the summer season were to mark the era of recovery after two years of pandemic, the summer of 2022 could actually herald the twilight of the executive of Mario Draghi, born in the emergency hours of Covid-19, there at seventeen months. To ignite the powder, we find the 5 Star Movement: a pillar party of the vast government coalition of the former boss of the ECB, but, for months, deeply undermined by internal conflicts (between supporters of maintaining the within the executive and nostalgic for the original protest line of the movement) and alarmed by disastrous electoral polls.

What sparked the storm this week? The decision recorded by the management of the Five Stars not to take part in the vote of confidence organized this Thursday in the Senate on the decree of law says Aid (“helpers”, in Italian). Broadly, the text intends to release a vast package of aid, to the tune of 23 billion euros, for families and businesses in an attempt to reduce the impact of inflation and the rising costs of energy. “A welcome but insufficient buffer solution,” said M5S leader Giuseppe Conte.


Among other things, the executive decree (already passed by the Assembly) includes a “Roman component” which would allow the mayor of the Eternal City, Roberto Gualtieri, to launch the vast construction site of the garbage incinerator, wanted by the municipal team to try to fight against the headache of waste which has been poisoning the lives of the inhabitants of the capital for years. A project against which the M5S is upwind and which will justify, this Thursday, the impossibility for the senators pentastellati to vote for the decree-law, for the sake of “coherence and linearity”, assures the former Prime Minister: “Citizens would not understand another choice. »

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A decision strongly criticized by the partners of the majority and which should certainly open a deep crisis within a government already weakened by the political appetites of its various members. For the second time in the space of four days, Mario Draghi could go to the Quirinal Palace to meet the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, eternal arbiter of transalpine political life. The scenarios are numerous, but the outcome resolutely uncertain: from a new vote of confidence in Parliament to a “Draghi Bis”. Super Mario has already ruled out the possibility of an executive “without the Five Stars”. Same story with several majority leaders: “This executive can only function in this format and in this configuration”, estimates the boss of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta. The transalpine press does not completely rule out this Thursday the track of a resignation of Mario Draghi, paving the way for early elections in the fall.

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