Italy needs to speed up efforts to refill gas reservoirs

by time news

Gas is scarce in Italy. Roberto Cingolani, Minister for Ecological Transition since 2021, has said that Italia needs to accelerate efforts to fill the gas storage ahead of next winter due to the supply cut by the Russian Gazprom. The politician has announced that they are aware that they have to examine how to help the companies to finance purchases given the high price of fuel.

Los gas inventories of Italy do not exceed 54% of its capacity, according to the minister himself. This figure contrasts with the objective of the European Union to reach the 80% in October and the 90% in November. “We have to go very fast,” said Cingolani at a conference in Romareferring to the italian efforts to refill storage facilities.

The minister went on to say that he is studying how to help energy companies to obtain cheaper financing to be able to bear the cost of the gas. “Currently the gas is so expensive that the operators cannot put money in the. We have to reflect on this issue”, explained Cingolani. technical committee The Government’s emergency plan for gas is scheduled to meet later this Tuesday to discuss possible measures to reduce your consumption and help rebuild levels of storage.

Set price limits

According to the sources, the politician is expected to meet on Wednesday with representatives of the main energy groups Italians to discuss possible solutions. Among the options being considered are the reduced gas supply to certain industrial users under existing contracts, the increased production in coal-fired power plants and the search for more imports gas gauge other providers such as Algeria.

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Cingolani has said that Rome is in favor of setting a limit on prices of gas at European level to avoid sudden rises. “Companies close and families have problems not because there is a real lack of gas, but because someone behind a keyboard has decided Rise the price... you have to establish a limit”, he argued. And he has shown optimistic about upcoming meetings: “We’ll probably get something.”

The Italian energy group Eni has communicated that the request for gas supply that they asked the Russian company Gazpro it had only been partially confirmed. This means that they are already seven the days when Eni receives less gas than requested from Moscow.

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