Itchy chest: what are the causes?

by time news

Do you ever suffer from itchy breast(s)? Then you are certainly not the only one. Of course itching on your body is completely normal, it can occur anywhere. On your arm or leg, but with you boobs can you start to worry. If you often have itchy breasts, you naturally start to wonder if something serious is going on. We have listed the possible causes of itching in your breasts.

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dirty bra

Firstly, the skin around your breast may be itchy from a ‘dirty’ bra. And the thing is: you should actually wash a bra much more often than you think. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out, because we all (yes, you too) have one or two favorite bras. Bras without underwire in particular – and therefore often have a thicker band under the breasts – can cause irritation.

Ordinary irritation from bra or garment

Another cause of itching on your chest can simply be that a bra or piece of clothing that is close to your chest is not comfortable at all. Maybe the fabric is not the best for your skin or you are sensitive to bacteria in clothing. It is best to check other body parts for this cause as well. For example, do you also suffer from itching on your arms? Then it may just be your garment.

Skin conditions such as eczema

Does the skin around your breast have red bumps, blisters, flakes and is it very similar to eczema? Chances are it is. Some people are very sensitive to certain substances or chemicals (eg perfume or detergent). The blisters that are then on your skin can leak due to irritation, making your skin even a little wet. So be careful with scratching!

Fungal infection under your breasts

This doesn’t sound very cozy and frankly it isn’t. But it’s true: you can also develop a yeast infection under your breasts. You know it: yeast infection = itching. Fungi really like to grow in warm, moist environments and then make your skin nice and itchy. And, we hate to say it, but there is also such a place under your breasts. Especially if you’re a little bigger ladies you are more likely to develop such an infection…

Heat rash

Does the itching on your chest also give off a bit of a burning sensation? Then – due to the combination of sweat, friction and fabrics that sit against your breasts – it is very possible that you suffer from heat rash. These are also called sweat spots, but for the record, we’ll pretend we didn’t read that. Get rid of it quickly? Talcum powder is your new bestie.

Other ‘normal’ causes

Other ‘normal’ causes such as weight gain, puberty and pregnancy can also cause the skin around your breast(s) to itch. These things generally cause your breasts to increase in size, which can cause itching as the skin stretches. ah!

But what about breast cancer?

This is probably the big question that has been in your head for a long time. Could it also be a symptom of be breast cancer? With ‘ailments’ around your breasts you quickly think: ‘it won’t be something bad, will it?’. Good news, because in extremely rare cases, itchy breasts can be a symptom of cancer. If you have itching, it’s much more likely to be due to one of the above causes and (thankfully) not breast cancer. If you still have doubts, a visit to the doctor can of course never hurt.

Also read: A stab in your chest(s), is it dangerous?

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