“It’s a bit big all the same”, answers Olivier Véran to Valérie Pécresse

by time news

“We are reaching out, the state, to continue to support the region” led by the former LR candidate in the presidential election, the government spokesman said on Tuesday.

Government spokesman Olivier Véran ruled on Tuesday “a bit bigto make the State bear the responsibility for a possible increase in the Pass Navigo, reminding Valérie Pécresse to the “responsibilities» and to «skills» of the regions in terms of transport.

The president (Les Républicains) of Ile-de-France said to herself “compelled to submit“at the beginning of December a price increase”socially unacceptableof 20% of the Passe Navigo after the government’s refusal to increase the “mobility payment” companies. This is a local contribution from employers with more than 11 employees, collected by Urssaf in order to finance public transport in the regions, departments and municipalities.

SEE ALSO – The increase in the navigo pass has “no justification”, according to Clément Beaune

Valérie Pécresse evokes in a letter of November 25 the possibility of a monthly increase of the Navigo to 90 euros, while the operating costs of regional transport fly away. According to her, an increase in the contribution of the companies would make it possible to limit the tariff to 80 euros monthly, against 75 today.

«Forgive me, but since it is a competence of the region, regional transport, and since it is a competence of the region to set fares, that a regional president considers that it is the fault of the state if it raises the prices of its own transport, it’s like telling you that it’s the state’s fault if the price of the TV I bought in a supermarket has increased“, replied Olivier Véran during the report of the Council of Ministers.

«That does not make any sense“, insisted Olivier Véran. “We are extending our hand, the State, to continue to support the region, to see with it if there are any difficulties in trying to ensure that the increase in the price of transport tickets in Île-de-France does not does not weigh on the purchasing power of households and in particular of the working middle classes“continued the government spokesperson. “You know, it’s a bit redundant, you had Anne Hidalgo a few weeks ago, who explained that it was the fault of the State if she increased her property tax by 50%, (and) Madame Pécresse who told you explains that it’s the fault of the State if the price of the metro ticket is increased». «+ It’s the fault of the State +, it’s a bit big anyway!“, he concluded.

SEE ALSO – Passe Navigo: Should the reduction for irregular migrants be abolished?

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