“It’s a left-wing reform”, defends Olivier Dussopt

by time news

The Minister of Labor once again defended the pension reform, which he considers “left-wing” and “without losers. »

By Nicolas Barreiro for Le Point (with AFP)

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Olivier Dussopt assures again that there will be “no losers” in the pension reform.

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UA massive mobilization is expected on Tuesday March 7 against the disputed pension reform, but the Minister of Labor continues to support this text necessary to avoid a large deficit and a fall in pensions, according to him. In an interview given to ParisianOlivier Dussopt returns to the objective of the pension reform as well as a new measure of a future bill on employment envisaged for the summer.

“This reform is necessary and urgent for the balance of the system in 2030”, assures the minister. Asked about the minimum pensions of 1,200 euros for a full career at the minimum wage, he recognizes “speech which may have been confused”. Olivier Dussopt had first mentioned the figure of 40,000 annual beneficiaries, before going down to 20,000, while other ministers estimated this figure at 1,800,000. “For my part, I maintain all the figures that I have quoted. Nearly 1.8 million current retirees will see their pensions upgraded in September. This will go up to 100 euros per month. […] Every year there are about 800,000 new pensioners, of whom 200,000 have a small pension and will have a better level of pension than before the reform”.READ ALSOPension reform: who wanted to kill Olivier Dussopt?“It’s a left-wing reform, which could have been carried out by a social-democratic government. Compared to previous reforms, it creates rights that we did not know about, in particular on hardship and caregivers, ”continues the Minister of Labor.

RSA recipients directly registered with Pôle Emploi

Olivier Dussopt also unveiled one of the measures of a future employment bill planned for the summer: the registration of RSA recipients at Pôle emploi. “In particular, I would like, except in the case of health-related exceptions, for example, RSA applicants to be automatically registered with Pôle Emploi. Currently, only 40% of them are, ”he revealed to the daily. READ ALSOPension reform: The senators’ turn to delve into the texts

On the occupational accident aspect, the Minister wishes to “better fight against falls from heights or even clarify the role of each when several companies are working at the same time on a site”. “We are also going to oblige employers to declare fatal accidents to the labor inspectorate,” he added.

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