It’s almost summer. Warning! 6 groups at risk of heat stroke

by time news

Department of Disease Control warn! Be careful of getting sick from hot weather. 6 groups of people who are at risk. heatstroke more than the average person Shock and death instantly

Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health caution “Heathstroke” from hot weather, especially 6 risk groups Please take care of your health and avoid being in the sun. avoid drinking alcohol Because the effect of alcohol causes high blood pressure. the heart works harder can cause shock and death

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6 risk groups that are at risk of heat stroke

1. People who work or do activities in the sun such as exercise

2. Young children and the elderly Because the body can not cool down as well as young people.

3. People with congenital disease such as high blood pressure stroke

4. People who are overweight

5. Those who do not get enough rest The body of obese people and those who do not get enough sleep respond to heat more slowly than usual.

6. Those who drink alcohol The effect of alcohol will expand the capillaries under the skin more. Causing the body to lose more water and mineral salt than those who do not drink The alcohol will be absorbed into the blood stream quickly. to stimulate the heart to pump blood faster and harder raise blood pressure As a result, the heart works harder to pump blood to the body. can cause shock and death

Self-care advice

  • wear light-colored clothing good heat dissipation
  • Should be in a well ventilated place.
  • Avoid doing activities that require prolonged outdoor exertion.
  • Wear sunglasses, open an umbrella, wear a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Should drink 2-3 liters of water per day to compensate for the loss of water in the body.
  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages of any kind.
  • person who exercises Should be chosen in the morning or evening. because it was during the period when the weather was not very hot

If suspected of experiencing symptoms of heat illness First aid should be provided. By drinking cold water and wiping with cold water. in a well ventilated area If severe symptoms or unconsciousness should be rushed to the hospital immediately.

Source: Anti-Fake News Center, Thailand

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