It’s been a year since the government led by Silina /

by times news cr

Silina’s government coalition consists of JV, the Union of Greens and Farmers (ZZS) and “Progresīvie”. JV has eight representatives in the government, ZZS – four, and “Progresivajie” – three ministers. Compared to the composition of the government approved a year ago, Krišjāni Kariņa (JV) has been replaced by Baiba Braže (JV), while Agnes Logina (P) has been replaced by Agnese Lāce (P) as Minister of Culture.

As the State Chancellery (VK) informed the LETA agency, Siliņa sees changes in the areas of health, labor taxes, education and reduction of bureaucracy as the most important government decisions.

Also, Silina reminds that internal and external security is a priority in the work of the government, which is consistently respected. For example, investments in national defense have exceeded 3% of the gross domestic product (GDP) for the first time and are currently 3.2%, as well as the defense capabilities of the armed forces have been developed, the first steps have been taken in the production of the military industry, and the commitment to complete the land fence on the border with Belarus, in order to complete it on the border with Russia in 2024.

According to the politician, during the year the government agreed on “multifaceted measures” to strengthen national security. The development of Latvia’s competitiveness was also a priority, so the bureaucracy was reduced and changes in labor taxes were developed.

At the same time, Siliņa believes that changes have begun in the health and education sectors, as well as “support has been provided to the population in order to reduce the impact of price increases on people’s wallets”.

Silina is convinced that during the year, the government she led managed to move towards lower drug prices and more accessible health care. In order to achieve this, for example, the range of compensable drugs has been expanded, measures have been introduced to reduce the price of prescription drugs, and funding for doctors’ practices has been increased.

As one of the most important decisions, the Prime Minister emphasizes the developed labor tax changes, which will increase the net income “on hand” of approximately 95% of workers, with the largest increase for low-wage earners, as well as the approved Latvian economic growth strategy, which envisages doubling the country’s gross domestic product over the next ten years , so that it reaches 83 billion euros in 2035.

On the other hand, in order to provide support to the citizens, one of the government’s first tasks was to ensure that they are partially compensated for the rapid increase in electricity bills. At the first working session, the Silina government decided that the fixed fee part of the electricity tariff for all household users is reduced by 60%, the good works are listed by the prime minister. Likewise, the government, by amending several laws, has improved the possibilities of mortgage borrowers to switch from one credit institution to another.

Sekmes Siliņa also sees in the education policy – this year the increase of teachers’ salary continued, “achieving the historically largest increase in the lowest hourly rate of wages for teachers”. Also, a new education financing model has been developed, paying for educational services according to the principle of program financing, “to ensure high-quality education that meets modern requirements in every school, regardless of its location”.

Military, political, financial and other support for Ukraine’s victory in the war for its existence and freedom continues to be the focus of the government’s attention, the prime minister says. Latvia has committed to allocate at least 0.25% of GDP per year to the military support of Ukraine this year and in the following years. On the other hand, the total support for Ukraine in 2024 exceeds 200 million euros.

The report emphasizes that the government has taken measures to strengthen energy independence, so that the Baltic states will be disconnected from the BRELL electricity supply loop, which connects them with Belarus and Russia, and integrated with the European energy network in February next year.

At the same time, the ratification of the Istanbul Convention and the strengthening of the regulation of cohabitation of couples are noted as important decisions.

In Silina’s assessment, the government has taken measures to reduce the administrative burden for both citizens and entrepreneurs, for example in the field of real estate, health care, and agriculture. Also, the government has supported both the development of services and other measures that promote the population of the regions.

“We are working so that the changes will bring real benefits to the people of Latvia – lower drug prices for patients, smaller bureaucratic labyrinths and a more competitive tax system for entrepreneurs, better quality education for children in unified Latvian-language schools, and everyone could feel safe – in their own home and in their own country,” says Siliņa.

She emphasizes that the government will continue work on the already started plans, as well as focus on practical, implementable works to support Latvian entrepreneurs.

2024-09-15 23:22:37

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