“It’s blatant theft.” Milei criticized Kicillof for the tax increase in the Province and supported Espert’s tax rebellion. The President anticipated that a new version of the omnibus law will soon be sent and highlighted the “exceptional work” of Guillermo Francos; justified his intense activity on social networks and assured that it allows him direct contact with people

by times news cr

After the rejection of the DNU in the Senate and in full negotiations with the governors on the way to the May Pact, the president Javier Miley supported the recent statements of the national deputy José Luis Espert, who today targeted the Buenos Aires president, Axel Kicillofdue to the increase in taxes in the province of Buenos Aires. “What he is doing is expropriatory,” he denounced.

“Increasing taxes is a violation of property. It is expropriatory. “It’s crazy, it puts the agricultural sector on the brink of bankruptcy,” señaló Milei, in dialogue with Miter Radio.

“Kicillof has to lower spending, not increase taxes. It happens that he has the same conceptual defects as Martín Guzmán. For them the adjustment is whether or not public spending is touched. But someone has to pay the taxes,” Milei said. “They end up sinking the economy,” The president attacked, in line with the statements this morning by the national deputy José Luis Espert, who called for not paying the increase in patents, real estate, built urban and rural land that was defined in La Plata.

“I’m not going to pay them,” announced the now member of La Libertad Avanza (LLA), who also chairs the Budget and Finance Commission. After the call of the libertarian deputy José Luis Espert to not pay the tax increase in Buenos Aires announced by the government of Axel Kicillof, The President referred to the issue on social networks.

“It seems that when he talks about property rights the governor does not understand that raising net taxes is a violation of property rights… He may be confused because he read a certain Alberti (I assume nothing to do with our story) in place of Alberdi…”, marked the libertarian president in X.

Tax increase

“Espert states that there is an abuse to collect taxes and that afterwards there is no compensation for public goods. The point he makes is that it is confiscatory, inhibits production and has no counterpart public goods. “It’s blatant theft.”the President indicated in this regard during the interview with Miter Radio. I do not know [si la gente se anima]but Espert’s proposal is valid,” he said.

Meanwhile, Milei highlighted that he had not raised taxes during the three months of his administration. “The true fiscal burden comes from the size of the State. Public spending dropped more than 36%, we are lowering taxes, there is a kind of tax substitution,” Milei said.

“In 2023, 13 GDP points were issued. We are returning all that money to the Argentines by reducing the fiscal deficit. The adjustment in the Treasury is five points, that of the BCRA is six, meaning that we are returning 11 points. “When did someone return so much money to the Argentines?” Milei noted.

“It is true that 70% of Argentines recognize that they are worse, we know it, we look at the indicators. When we assume the expectations that the economy will improve in the next 6 months it reached 20%, in January it climbed to 30%, in February to 42%, and after the speech it climbed to 47%. Almost half of Argentines see a light at the end of the road. The word that appears the most is hope, people have hope,” he added.

Inflation and stocks

“People see light at the end of the tunnel because inflation is going down and they see the future. Last week we lowered the interest rate 30 points and the dollar did not rise and the BCRA bought dollars. We are going to leave the day we open the stocks, once we finish with the sanitation of the BCRA, we will move forward there. If I had 15 billion dollars I would open it now,” said the president.

In that sense, the president did not rule out a possible disbursement from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for 15 billion dollars. “It can be part of a negotiation that includes the IMF, other common funds and other countries. We are working on that, so we can lift the trap faster. The IMF considers that we could open it in the middle of the year,” he concluded.

May Pact and omnibus law

In addition, the President spoke about the recent legislative setback in the Senate with the rejection of the DNU and about the draft of the new omnibus law that this week was sent to the governors and block heads in Congress. “Francos is doing an exceptional job, we believe that we will soon reach an agreement and send a new version,” he highlighted, being optimistic about the future of the new version of the legislative initiative.

“The wonderful thing about the law was that it allowed us to reorganize the Argentine ideological spectrum, it made it clear who the orks and liars are,” Milei pointed out in relation to the previous failure of the omnibus law in the Chamber of Deputies.

On the other hand, Milei denied the recent rejection of the DNU in the Senate as “a failure.” “La Libertad Avanza has 8 senators and we got 25 votes. We had a substantial improvement, people have already identified the name and face of those who voted red,” warned the President, who defended his intention to reach the May Pact. However, he warned: “It is difficult to get there if the intention of traditional politics is to continue defending the caste. Our first solution is to negotiate, but they want to confront, we have no problem, we are not afraid. If they behave like the DNU did, they are far away. If they reconsider, there will be more chances. The good thing is that people are identifying them.”

Social networks

In another part of the interview, the President spoke about his use of social networks and responded to those who question him about it. “Politicians, and also many journalists who arrogantly believe that they have to be the intermediary with the people, he bothers them. That is very ingrained in some journalists in the red circle, especially those who are older, they do not understand this thing about having direct communication,” Milei pointed out.

“I am a product of networks and I communicate directly with people. I have it first hand. This allows me to be quick on my feet, see where the problems are and work to solve them.“said the president.

“That makes traditional politicians nervous, they don’t have that gymnastics [en redes]. That allows me something direct with the people that the traditional politician does not have, that is why they need the focus group. It makes them very violent, they would love to have that access to people. “They spend tons of money,” the President remarked.

Likewise, Milei assured that she has well defined moments in which she uses social networks. “I use them in the breakfastin it lunchto the afternoon at snack and evening That’s when I use them the most, I start at dinner and end up late looking for information and getting things. I am very active, but at times, these are not hours where people are working,” he justified, while admitting that there were governors who asked him to lower his activity. onlinesomething he has no plans to do.

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