“It’s cheaper and calmer”… We met Septembrists, these happy employees who start their holidays

by time news

2023-09-06 14:32:41

“Look if it’s not happiness, we have the beach almost to ourselves! With their toes fanned out on the sand, Agathe and Tony don’t seem too unhappy. “We bask in the pill a little and then we go to the water”, indicates this couple of traders from Deux-Sèvres, tasting the pleasure of idleness on the beach of Sillon, in Saint-Malo (Ille-et-Vilaine ). With a big blue sky and a mercury that is around 30°C, they would indeed be wrong to deprive themselves of it. Especially since the beach, usually crowded in summer, is very deserted on this summery Tuesday afternoon.

Good weather, beautiful sea but few people Tuesday afternoon on the beach of Sillon, in Saint-Malo. – J. Gicquel / 20 Minutes

Since Monday, France is officially no longer on vacation, with millions of students and employees who have put on the blue heater. Exactly when Delphine and Nicolas start their holidays. “We leave every year at the beginning of September, with the little old people and the Germans”, smiles the 37-year-old vacationer, who works in IT in Le Mans (Sarthe). With her companion, she appreciates the tranquility of this period. “There are no crowds, so you can visit without trampling and being jostled, it’s much more relaxing,” she says. The restaurants aren’t crowded either, you don’t wait hours to be served. »

“We don’t have children, so we have this freedom”

Much further south, on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, Josépha and Levon, engineers and electricians in Lille, are also enjoying a well-deserved week of vacation. “It’s a choice to come in September, they explain. We don’t have children, so we have this freedom. In the community of Septembrists, which is growing every year, we come across, in the middle of retirees “on vacation all year round” and foreign tourists, mainly young workers and childless couples.

But a few strollers are still parked on the Sillon beach. “It’s the last year that we can leave at the beginning of September because our son will go back to school next year, so we’re taking advantage of it”, testify Camille and Sébastien, who came as neighbors from Normandy. If they appreciate going on vacation in September so much, it is mainly for financial reasons. “Everything costs much less,” they say. We rented a house for the week and I think it would have cost us almost double in high season. »

More friendly traders and tourists

Another advantage of leaving in September, “the traders are more friendly and relaxed”, says Delphine. This is confirmed by a waiter hired as a seasonal worker in the corsair city: “It’s sure that we blow when it’s back to school. We are less in the rush, so we take more time to chat with tourists. And they are often nicer at this time. »

To reward these employees who have toiled away all summer during their colleagues’ holidays, the sun is also particularly generous in this back-to-school week throughout the country. Enough to give a smile to Marion and Rémi, saleswoman in jewelery and craftsman in the construction industry, on vacation on the Côte d’Azur for a week. “We come from Seine-et-Marne and we really had a rotten summer,” says this couple of 24-year-olds. So here, we are delighted! »

If you ever get the chance, going on vacation in September seems like the perfect plan. But be careful, because the return to work can also be violent. “It’s complicated, each time, when I come back, because all my colleagues are already fully trained”, testifies Alex, visiting Saint-Malo and who works in a start-up near Lyon. “It takes me several days to find my bearings. But for now, I’m not thinking about recovery, and I don’t miss my colleagues at all! »

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