by time news

2023-07-13 15:41:45

When I was at the department office in Novo Hamburgo, back in the days when it was the capital of footwear and the Ford Galaxie (by the way, here is a great car – in every sense – that unfortunately I did not have the privilege of having), the Ricardo, a unique fellow, good people, but who was always looking to have some advantage in everything.

Moral of the story: if he thought he was the smart one.

But that wasn’t all: Ricardo was the most cheap and cheap guy I’ve ever met in my life. That is, in addition to being on the basis of cleverness that he wanted to do things, he still had to be haggling. Almost for free. Seems like he had a huge advantage over the other “poor mortals” that surrounded him.

In one of these, around 1993 or 1994, with the country still in an economic turmoil, Ricardo wanted to show that for him life only moved forward and he showed up with a new kilometer car (I, for example, at that time rode an old motorbike ). But it wasn’t just any car; the guy went there and bought me a “coveted” Lada Laika, a delicacy manufactured in the “outstanding” automobile industry in Russia. That was a hideous example of a “bad blood red” color, of a heap of parts circulating through the streets of the city. As a matter of fact, at that time Novo Hamburgo was the most paved city in the state and with excellent quality roads. In other words, what spoiled it was Ricardo riding around with that Russian wagon.

Our Club President reminds me a little of my office colleague. Deep down, I think he thinks he’s smart doing so-called “occasion” deals, bringing players from second-tier football markets, maybe getting one or two right and most of them missing. Even smarter must find himself keeping the coach who has been doing a terrible job for at least seven months and, even before that, already collected disturbing eliminations for mediocre or non-existent teams.

Maybe he thinks he’s smart for insisting on a very bad job, just to try to contradict the fate of Brazilian football that points to changing coaches as the simplest solution, when in fact it masks its own ineptitude. He probably doesn’t even know what to say in a press conference, when asked why in just three years of management he will already be betting on a sixth coach. One every six months which, let’s face it, is the pure juice of the fate of Brazilian clubs and their unresolved relationship with coaches and football projects. Broadly speaking, it was my romantic version of the concept of ‘incompetence’.

Justifying, then, today’s title, I tell you that the world is not for the smart ones – contrary to what almost everyone thinks, since the account of trickery and the shortcuts that they take in life always arrives.

My colleague Ricardo didn’t take long to realize that he had actually bought a brand new pump. And worse: a bomb that nobody wanted to buy from him later. It got to the point where he was leaving the car parked away from the office and with the doors unlocked, hoping that some unsuspecting miscreant in the car market would take that delicacy and the owner would be compensated by the insurance company. It didn’t help, nobody wanted it.

Because our President at this moment, instead of dismissing the coach for the horrible job he presents, must think that he is smarter than any other who understands a minimum of football, thinking that some unsuspecting Club of the market of good coaches will come to remove the weight from himself resignation, taking our vest distributor and paying a generous indemnity to the Club. The reality is that no one wants to.

The problem is that in addition to the world itself not being smart, clearly our President is not smart. Had he been, moreover, perhaps he would not even have considered trying his luck as a representative of Sport Club Internacional.

The world belongs to winners.


– To avoid fatigue again, I will say little about the trainer. Now, tactical poverty, in addition to being reflected in inexplicable lineups and simple substitutions, is creating a world of inventions: it’s the fantastic world of Mano;

– Finally, the striker arrived, for the coach to put him on the right wing and still warn that the guy has to “adapt” to Brazilian football;

– It is possible that already on the 11th of August we will have nothing more to really dispute;

– There is no point in wanting to hire a player the day before closing the window. The guys already had to be here training and getting along with the others;

– It is true that I did not need to hire a goalkeeper. But it is also true that it at least shows a little “ambition”;

– Those who dream of Coudet will wake up with Odair;

– I repeat: weak management will die hugging the coach. According to their football performance, it looks like they deserve each other. Only those who lose, really, are us.


Will we keep going from nothing to nowhere?

Have faith, Colorada Nation. Have faith!



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