It’s official – Putin spoke to Tucker Carlson

by time news

The interview will probably be published tomorrow 8/2

(upd5) The Kremlin confirmed that Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an interview to American journalist Tucker Carlson. who has received severe criticism and charges… even of treason about his decision to travel to Moscow and speak with the Russian president about the war in Ukraine.
The representative of the Kremlin, Dmitry Peskov, confirmed that Putin’s interview was given to the American journalist yesterday, Tuesday, February 6, while as reported by the Russian news agency TASS, it is possible that it will be made public tomorrow, Thursday, February 8.

Official confirmation

“Yes, I can confirm that,” Peskov said during today’s press conference in response to a question about whether the Russian president had indeed given an interview to Tucker Carlson the day before.
Asked about the president’s impressions of the interview, Peskov emphasized that the same journalists will be able to evaluate it, as soon as this interview is made public.
Peskov pointed out that once the interview is released, everyone will have the opportunity to form their own impressions.

Lots of interview requests, but…

In addition, Peskov claimed that the Kremlin receives many requests from journalists and media outlets from around the world for an interview with the Russian president.
As he said, the answer to many of these requests is negative because, according to Peskov, they are not impartial in covering what is happening in Ukraine.
On the contrary, as he argued, most mass media, especially in the West, adopt a completely one-sided approach to the war.

I am not guilty, I did not betray the USA

The charges against him for treason against the USA

had categorically rejected the American journalist Tucker Carlson, who a few hours ago posted a video on social network X with their background Kremlin towers and the Cathedral of Christ the Saviourwhere he announced that he was soon to be interviewed by the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin.
“Why should I feel guilty, as if I betrayed my country?
I’m in a big city and I don’t care,” said Tucker, who has claimed the White House tried twice to stop his interview with the Russian president.
The White House denied this claim.

He also asked Zelensky for an interview

American journalist Tucker Carlson said he invited Zelensky for an interview and hoped he would agree.
“We sent a request for an interview with Zelensky.
We hope he will agree,” said Tucker Carlson.

Americans need to know what is happening in Ukraine

Carlson argues that Americans have every right to know “what is true” about the conflict “in which their country is involved.”
“Here’s why we do it.
First, because it’s our job.
We do journalism.
Our job is to inform people.
For two years a war has been going on that is reshaping the world, yet most citizens are unaware.
They have no idea what is happening in this area, in Russia or 600 miles away in Ukraine.
But they should know, they are paying for something they may not yet fully understand.
The war in Ukraine is a human catastrophe.
Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives.
A whole generation of young Ukrainians.
The largest country in Europe has been deserted.
But the long-term effects are even more profound,” argues Carlson, noting that Ukraine has “reshaped global military and trade alliances.”
“It affects the economic order that was formed after the Second World War,” said the American journalist, adding that it is “disintegrating very quickly” along with the dominance of the US dollar.

They have never heard of Putin

“Most Americans have no idea why Putin invaded Ukraine or what his goals are now.
They have never heard his voice.
This is incorrect.
Americans have the right to know everything they can about a war in which they are involved,” argued the American journalist.
It is noted that the last time Putin gave an interview to American media was almost three years ago.
American businessman Elon Musk he promised not to block the recording of this conversation after its publication on the X social networkthe journalist emphasized.
In addition, the interview will be posted on Carlson’s website, where it can be watched live.

Who is Carlson?

It is recalled that a year ago Carlson was fired from Fox for supporting Donald Trump.
Since then, he has launched his own program on social networks, attracting the attention of millions of Americans – and as not only a commentator on current affairs, but also a potential politician.
It is possible that he is Donald Trump’s vice presidential candidate…
As it turns out, Carlson has long become one of the iconic figures of the current American domestic political confrontation, which is why his trip to Moscow is causing such anger in Washington.
In the United States, they are already calling him a traitor who should prevent him from entering his homeland.

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