it’s over, what’s involved

by time news

All students now report to the general scheme of the health insurance since September 1, 2019. To be better paid, you can subscribe to a complementary health.

[Mis à jour le 19 septembre 2019 à 15h41] Student Social Security said goodbye. As a result, all students were still affiliated to a mutual find themselves de facto linked to the general scheme of the health insurance, since September 1, 2019. For information, students had to pay 217 euros a year earlier. details what the disappearance of student social security plan means for you.

Student Social Security: what changes for you students

The end of the student social security translates into a few small changes. Depending on your situation, you may need to have to perform steps :

  • You were a student last year, attached to a student insurance and you pursue your studies this year : As previously reported, the student Safely regime disappeared August 31, 2019. You are then automatically attached to the General Health Insurance Plan. The latter was to send you email-this month, so you detail the services offered and contacts to contact if something goes wrong.
  • You already were a student last year and will be in the academic year 2019-2020 : You have to take any action. You will remain attached to your social security system. In general, it is that of your parents.
  • You start your studies in 2019 If you are already attached to the Social Security, you have no formalities to accomplish. You remain affiliated to the social protection system that you currently have. Generally, this is one of your parents. For foreign students or residing in Wallis and Futuna or New Caledonia, is not affiliated with the regime of Social Security in France, you will need to register on the website of the Health insurance here.

Remember to update your Vitale card to be covered, even if your Social Security number does not change. Just go to a pharmacy. Most put into effect terminal arrangement. If this is not the case, the pharmacist himself can perform the operation. The end of the student social security scheme she means students no longer have to pay anything? Far from there. The amount of student social security system was set at 217 euros. Now students must pay a student life and campus Contribution (CVEC) from 91 euros. It aims to improve access to care on campus. All students are not affected by this contribution: in the case of students enrolled in BTS in international trade in France, those in training and scholarship students on social criteria.

How to choose a mutual when you’re a student?

The Health insurance will not pay all of your dental, optical, general medicine, etc. If you want to get better reimbursement of care, you can subscribe to a complementary health contract via mutual. But which to choose? Born from the merger of two student mutual especially SMEREP and MEP Heyme offer a product for students with four distinct offerings, ranging from 9.90 euros to 39.90 euros per month.

You can also become entitled to mutual of your parents. In this case, it is up to the parent member to verify your membership is possible, and if that is the case, to perform the steps. They are not systematic, whether the spouse or children. This can sometimes be more protective because an individual contract with more attractive rates, as recalled by a charge of health issues the broker Reassure me to

CMU-C or blanket supplementary universal health for the poorest

As a reminder, students, particularly the poorest, can also, under certain conditions, access to supplementary universal health coverage, Also known as CMU-C, or with the payment of a supplementary health. To recap, these two devices are subject to a means test. To benefit from the CMU-C, which is in fact complementary to free health, your income must not exceed a ceiling of 8,951 euros for a single person.

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