“It’s right to put a security guard as a ‘deterrent’. These are not isolated incidents”

by time news

Alarm about attacks on healthcare workers, Uil also intervenes: “As Uil Fpl of Cesena, we express great concern about the growing phenomenon of attacks in the context of public administrations, which is taking on an alarming character. If on the one hand, in the healthcare sector, we are witnessing a real escalation, on the other hand, even within our local municipal administrations there is concern about an intolerant attitude on the part of some users who are increasingly exasperated by the many problems they are experiencing and increasingly less inclined to accept the information and services provided. In these days, we are carrying forward requests for ever greater attention on the part of all local administrations to whom we ask to guarantee not only the best safety conditions, but the maximum safety conditions”.

“For many years, a culpable devaluation of public work, operated by politics, has produced the idea that certain deficiencies in public services were attributable to dependent personnel. The truth is that public employees have often guaranteed public services with great sacrifice and putting in all their effort, filling structural gaps resulting from choices and cuts in resources and staff attributable to political choices. For UIL, the battle for the defense of public services and for safety in the workplace remains fundamental, also supported by the UIL Nazionale campaign on the topic of Safety at Work (Zero Deaths at Work)”.

On the attack suffered by a doctor of the Department of Mental Health and Pathological Addictions Service of Bufalini di Cesena: “In particular, what happened to the doctor of the ASL, the latest in a series of episodes that affect all public employees, is not an isolated event and the Company Management did well to guarantee a service with a security guard as a “deterrent” of events such as those that occurred in recent days. Situations that may not be the solution to all safety problems, but which certainly guarantee an adequate level of deterrence that the only structural measures of offices and alarms at this particular time do not appear to be sufficient. In our opinion, qualified personnel in charge of worker safety should be guaranteed in every workplace, as well as in Municipal Administrations that do not see the presence of an internal Local Police garrison. This, in the opinion of Uil di Cesena, is a necessity of the workers, as well as a responsibility of the employer who, where, is lacking in ensuring maximum attention to staff, if assumes direct responsibility for it.”

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