“It’s the summer of all dangers”

by time news
As of July 2, 20,000 hectares have already gone up in smoke, four times the normal on this date (EFFIS). WILLIAM SOUVANT / AFP

Faced with an early season of particularly intense forest fires, the municipalities are banking on prevention. The firefighters of France are calling for increased vigilance to prevent a soon-to-be national problem.

As the fire season has taken a dazzling lead in 2022, the time is for prevention. As of July 2, 20,000 hectares have already gone up in smoke, four times the normal on this date, according to the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS). In the Occitanie and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (PACA) regions, preventive measures are increasing to remedy a summer that promises to be particularly devastating.

In Langlade in the Gard, the mayor Gaëtan Prevoteau did not wait to ban smoking while driving, with a fine of 15 euros in the event of an infringement. Further on, in Saint-Jean-du-Gard, the July 14 festivities will take place without fireworks to minimize the risk of fire. The departments of Bouches-du-Rhône and Vaucluse, for their part, already bar access to more than 20 mountain ranges and prohibit work from continuing after 1 p.m. in certain areas. In the regions on alert, extra-departmental reinforcements come to relieve the local teams.

An unprecedented year

Among the fire brigade, we are already expecting a season of forest fires “long and intense“Says Commander Geoffrey Casu, spokesman for the firefighters of France. “It’s the summer of all dangers“, and for good reason, “the fire indicators are already all red“. With their “rule of three 30“, impossible to ignore the extent of the risks: temperature over 30°C, wind over 30km/h and humidity below 30%.

In addition to increasingly intense weather conditions in naturally sensitive regions, the perimeter threatened by the outbreak of fires is also increasing. “Areas that were not facing the fire problem are now facing it with the effect of global warming“explains the commander. Therefore, many local authorities are called upon to adopt the reflexes of the Mediterranean basin as quickly as possible to quickly protect their municipalities.

The importance of awareness

When the fire becomes anational issue», Raising awareness is no longer an option but a long-term solution. According to statistics from the NGO French Disaster Relief Group (GSCF), 90% of fire starts are linked to human activity, half of which is anthropogenic, i.e. following dangerous activities. Thus, with responsible behavior, one out of two fire outbreaks would be avoided.

«Fires do not happen by chance and that, unfortunately, we sometimes forget“recalls Commander Casu. To relieve the teams in the field, nothing could be simpler than to follow the instructions of our firefighters and to respect the departmental decrees: do not light fires next to forest massifs, make sure to throw away your cigarette butts, monitor your consumption of water and clear its green spaces.

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