It’s time to raise your head: 6 habits to develop powerful self-confidence

by time news

You know those people who try everything they know to get different results in life, but can’t seem to get them? The problem, usually, is that they are not willing to do what they know deep down they have to do to make it work.

Those people are usually afraid and unsure of themselves, so they try to act in all kinds of ways and methods, which will ultimately lead to the same result they don’t like. It is much easier for them, like most of us, not to change habits and go for the safe and familiar.

It can be said that these people have such a desire for someone from the outside to come and fix their life, business or relationship. But this desire, if we admit the truth, is a bit childish, because getting other results in life involves changing their way of thinking. They need to believe and be confident in their ability to achieve the goal they are aiming for.

The problem is, as mentioned, not everyone has high self-confidence and faith in their abilities and skills. It is important to understand that self-confidence is the backbone of your daily conduct, and what will lead you to achieve the goals and objectives you have set for yourself, but sometimes also what will prevent you from trying. Self-confidence depends directly on the childhood experiences you had, the type of connection you had with your parents or with the main caring figure in your life, and other events you were exposed to during your life.

Insecurity and sadness (Photo: Inimage)

Insecurity and sadness (Photo: Inimage)

So how can you strengthen your self-confidence?

1. do sports: Find a sporting activity that you can stick to. Beyond the fact that physical activity is a means of losing weight and looking better, it also improves the appearance of the skin, strengthens the cardiovascular system, increases efficiency, improves the quality of sleep and greatly increases energy. The knowledge that you committed to something and stuck to it, despite the temptations and the lack of time – will prove to you that it is really worth it.

2. Give yourselves credit: Did you manage to smile at someone who upset you? make a friend laugh? Do a task you dreaded and put off? Make a list of all these successes, including the smallest things. Remember that strengthening self-confidence is an ongoing process, and it is important that you strengthen your appreciation for the positive things you have experienced or done. Whenever self-confidence is a little on the wane, pull out this list, and revel in your successes.

3. Stop putting things off: Stop telling yourself “I’ll start tomorrow”, “next week” or “after the holidays”. This never-ending tendency to postpone our tasks for “later”, means that this deadline never really comes. It is exhausting, causes self-flagellation and lowers our self-confidence.

Therefore, do not try to conquer the unknown in one fell swoop, because you will tire quickly and give up. Each time try to focus on one task, and do it moderately. When you feel comfortable with her, take another step forward.

4. Take responsibility: Take responsibility for yourself, your actions and your outlook on life. Taking responsibility for our lives is a necessary step to increasing self-confidence. Remember that the opposite of responsibility is sacrifice.

5. Meet one new person a day: One of the most familiar difficulties for those who see themselves as lacking self-confidence is creating new relationships. Try to deal with this difficulty, and try to meet one new person a day. Allow people to approach you, join the conversation and show interest.

6. Speak loudly, inside: Our inner language has power. In your inner dialogue, talk to yourself in a loving tone. It’s okay to talk to ourselves, self-talk is the constant Spotify running inside our heads. Therefore, you should be aware of this Spotify, and make sure you put the playlist you like. This is what will make you fly on your own.

Remember that the decision not to compromise your life is the most significant decision you will make.

Merav Dayan is a personal and business coach, and an expert in increasing self-confidence and changing thinking patterns. for further details

Merav Dayan (Photo: Shlomi Yosef)

Merav Dayan (Photo: Shlomi Yosef)

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