IUCN Red List, more than 100 species of vertebrate animals in danger in Italy – time.news

by time news
from Alessandro Sala

Critical situation for 40 of them, one step away from extinction. At risk are ospreys, Mediterranean trout, thresher sharks and various fish and birds

In Italy there are 40 critically endangered vertebrate species and I’m 65 those attentive with a rating of «general danger». This was revealed by the update of the IUCN red list, theInternational Union for Conservation of Naturerelating to our country. The previous survey dates back to 2013. In this ten-year interval the situation worsened in particular for some animals: the Savettail Carpione del Gardail Adriatic graylingil Geotritone del Serrabusil Common tern and theSardinian big ear. Not only that: they access the critical danger group lo Thresher sharkthe Mediterranean troutil Ospreyil Voltolino and it Shiribilla.

Many of these names may not say much to most people. But what matters is that every time an animal advances towards possible disappearance, it is a alarm bell that resonates. It is always important to understand the cause which lead to the reduction of populations and the disappearance of some of them, but at the base we know that the human activities they almost always have a role, especially in a territory like the Italian one characterized by strong anthropic pressure in a not particularly large space. The human presence, in essence, ends up reducing the natural habitat or by compromising them. To the destruction of the environments must be added the industrial activities
and intensive farming which compromise the quality of the air and in some cases of soils and watercourses, as well as contributing to climate change which is however a global issue. There indiscriminate hunting and the poaching they complete the picture, compromising migrations and normal reproduction cycles. Not only that: the cementing of the territories, even the construction of roads that cross woods and countryside, interrupts the continuity of the environments creating strong limitations on the habitats. In short, there are many elements to consider.

Italy is considered one of the States a greater presence of biodiversity. “Italian environments are home to a very diversified fauna among the richest in European countries – underlines the Italian section of the IUCN -. Overall, about 10% of the Italian fauna is endemic, i.e. present exclusively in our country”. A heritage, in short, to be protected and valued and which, as mentioned, is greatly endangered by modernity.

The Iucn monitors the state of biodiversity at an international level and has been monitoring its own for about half a century «Red list» it is the tool that allows you to understand the level of risk of the different species, based on a classification that divides them according to how close the possibility of extinction is. The scale of assessment ranges from full-blown extinction to “mild concern”, passing precisely through some levels that also include the critically endangered and theendangered, or the critical danger and the generic danger mentioned at the beginning, which are the two categories that must lead to active conservation policies. But even at the ‘vulnerable’ or ‘near threatened’ level a species should be safeguarded before it enters the decline phase.

I national focuses they then allow for a picture of the situation in the various geographical areas, to allow the local authorities – which are those with the greatest decision-making and intervention power – to set up protection and safeguard programs and initiatives. Sensitivity towards nature conservation issues is very different from nation to nation, but the statistical and informative support of the Iucn database allows at least to always have the picture of the situation under control. The revision of the lists takes place over a period of ten years. The research and study work is entrusted to a network of experts which is responsible for compiling and updating the lists. In evaluating the 2013 were considered 672 specie of terrestrial or freshwater vertebrates present in Italy; with the update of 2022 their number has reached quota 700.

December 8, 2022 (change December 8, 2022 | 3:40 pm)

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