«I’ve been afraid of driving ever since I saw my sister hit by a car. It was a big trauma for me” – time.news

by time news

2024-01-19 14:45:28

by Simona Marchetti

Interviewed by the monthly magazine “Elle”, the 49-year-old actress recalled the terrible event she witnessed as a child and in which she saw Monica lose consciousness. In Michael Mann’s film “Ferrari” she plays Laura, Enzo’s tormented and unhappy wife

She was still a child when she saw her beloved sister Monica being hit by a car and that shock affected Penelope Cruz to such an extent that it caused her to become truly terrified of the wheel. «I’m afraid of driving – admitted the 49-year-old actress in an interview with the monthly magazine “Elle” – .My sister was hit by a car, in front of my eyes, when I was 8 or 9 years old, I still remember the little red coat she was wearing and for me that day the world stopped. It was a big trauma, because I saw my sister lose consciousness. Then in the hospital I was in shock and I kept repeating to everyone “my sister has just been hit by a car”. Even though forty years have passed and Monica has fully recovered, the incident is still imprinted in Cruz’s mind and today she says she is convinced that she would have had a hysterical crisis “if I had witnessed that terrible scene as an adult”.

This is because she has developed a hypersensitivity to the feelings of other people, which leads her to have difficulty modulating her degree of empathy. «This was one of the main things I dealt with in therapy: that is, how to find a balance, in this sort of back and forth dance between fiction and reality, which is typical of actors, so that I can continue to feel those things without making them mine”, explained the star of “Ferrari”, the film by Michael Mann in which she plays Laura, Enzo’s tormented and unhappy wife, dealing with the terrible mourning of the death of her son Dino. «Sometimes the roles I play can be uncomfortable and painful – concluded Cruz -. It’s hard to let them go, but in the end I always feel like they’ve made me a little more compassionate than I was two months earlier. And with the safety net that you know this is not your reality.”

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January 19, 2024 (changed January 19, 2024 | 1.45 pm)

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