IX University Week will take place from October 25th to 27th

by time news

2023-08-15 23:38:09

The University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Unilab) launches the IX University Week (Semuni), the institution’s largest scientific event, which aims to aggregate, strengthen, disseminate and disseminate academic actions in the areas of Teaching, Research and Extension from the Ceará and Bahia campuses.

The organization of the event is in charge of the Deans of Extension, Art and Culture (Proex), Graduation (Prograd) and Research and Post-Graduation (Proppg). “Semuni thus represents a space for reaffirming Unilab’s commitment, as an internationalized Higher Education Institution, with Portuguese-speaking African partner countries, as well as Timor-Leste. Likewise, with regard to the Maciço de Baturité and the Recôncavo Baiano, making it possible to promote and produce knowledge, respecting the differences and diversity of knowledge, cultures and experiences, at the same time that it invites society to join our technical staff -administrative staff, teachers and students, through the proposed activities”, underlines the Dean of Extension, Geranilde Costa e Silva.

The IX University Week will be held in person from October 25th to 27th, with a theme to be indicated by the academic community.

The Organizing Committee of the IX SEMUNI has the following composition:

– Dean of Extension, Art and Culture (PROEX) (president of the Organizing Committee)

– Dean of Undergraduate Studies (PROGRAD);

– Dean of Research and Graduate Studies (PROPPG);

– Dean of Affirmative and Student Policies (PROPAE);

– Dean of Institutional and International Relations (PROINTER);

– Dean of Administration and Infrastructure (PROADI);

– Dean of Planning (PROPLAN).

– Institute of Humanities (IH);

– Institute of Exact and Nature Sciences (ICEN);

– Institute of Applied Social Sciences (ICSA);

– Institute of Health Sciences (ICS);

– Institute for Rural Development (IDR);

– Institute of Engineering and Sustainable Development (IEDS);

– Institute of Languages ​​and Literatures (ILL);

– Male Institute of Humanities and Letters (IHLM);

– Distance Education Institute (IEAD).

– Malês Campus Board (DCM);

– Directorate of Information Technology (DTI);

– Directorate of the Unilab Libraries System (SIBIUNI);

– Communication Office (ASSECOM) and

– Head of the Office of the Rectory.


In this edition of Semuni, the selection of students who will act as monitors will be carried out by Proex. The students will add forces and talents to carry out the event.

For more information, contact [email protected].

#University #Week #place #October #25th #27th

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