Jacques Gerber Appointed as Switzerland’s ‘Mr. Ukraine’ Amidst Resignation from Jura Government

by time news

The Jura’s Minister of Economy and Health, Jacques Gerber, will be the “Mr. Ukraine of the Confederation.” At 51 years old, he was appointed Wednesday by the Federal Council to the position of delegate. Jacques Gerber announced his resignation from the cantonal government. He will take up his new responsibilities on January 1, 2025.

The president of the Jura Parliament, Pauline Godat, read the resignation letter of the elected PLR official at the end of the Parliament session on Wednesday.

“Mr. Ukraine of the Confederation”

“It is with profound emotion that I announce my decision to resign from my duties within the Jura Government by December 31, 2024,” the minister wrote in his letter. He added that a new opportunity has arisen for him. “These years spent in the service of Jura have been extraordinarily enriching for me.”

The Jurassian will be “Mr. Ukraine of the Confederation,” as he will lead the working group responsible for implementing the program for Ukraine. This must be executed coherently and effectively, with a single authority, stated the head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Ignazio Cassis. The Federal Council is convinced that Jacques Gerber is the right person for this role.

Even though I do not formally come from the ranks of diplomacy, international issues have always marked my professional journey

Jacques Gerber, new federal delegate for Ukraine

This program will be equipped with a control mechanism. Its aim is to ensure effective and targeted support and must be guided by the seven Lugano principles: partnership, reform efforts, transparency/accountability/rule of law, democratic participation, multi-stakeholder commitment, gender equality/inclusion, sustainability.

The program is under the auspices of the Directorate for Development and Cooperation (DDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (Seco). The funds available to the working group are sourced from Seco and the FDFA. Jacques Gerber will report directly to the heads of the FDFA, Ignazio Cassis, and the economy (DEFR), Guy Parmelin. For the exercise of his new function, he has received the title of ambassador.

Great Responsibility

For the Jurassian, this appointment is an “immense honor,” a great responsibility, and a challenge. The Federal Council expects the working group to achieve concrete results as soon as possible.

“Even though I do not formally come from the ranks of diplomacy, international issues have always marked my professional journey,” recalled the one in charge of the European file within the conference of cantonal governments. He has also been responsible for the OECD domain.

I will need to meet with the teams, get a sense of the needs on the ground, and discuss with the locals to identify the needs and then implement the Ukraine program

Jacques Gerber Appointed as Switzerland’s ‘Mr. Ukraine’ Amidst Resignation from Jura Government Jacques Gerber, new federal delegate for Ukraine

In a Forum interview, Jacques Gerber expressed his excitement about the new mission that awaits him. “I love challenges. My professional background shows it. I also love the unknown; I love building things. And the dimensions of this position allow for building. First of all, the position of delegate for Ukraine as such does not exist; it is a role that will be built around a project. And just that aspect is exciting.”

While he admits he has never been to Ukraine, he assures that he will do so very soon. “All the employees in Switzerland, as well as those at the embassy, will be under my authority in terms of daily work. Therefore, I will need to meet with the teams, get a sense of the needs on the ground, and discuss with the locals to identify the needs and then implement the Ukraine program,” he insists.

>> Jacques Gerber’s interview in Forum:

Jurassian minister Jacques Gerber becomes the new federal delegate for the reconstruction of Ukraine (video)

Jurassian minister Jacques Gerber becomes the new federal delegate for the reconstruction of Ukraine (video) / Forum / 4 min. / yesterday at 19:00

Partial Election on November 24

Jacques Gerber will leave the Jura government before the end of the legislative term. A partial election will be organized in the Jura canton to replace Jacques Gerber. The first round is already set for November 24, concurrently with the federal and cantonal votes, the Jura government stated. If necessary, the second round will take place on December 15 for an entry into office in January 2025.

Jacques Gerber announced last year that he would not seek a third term in the Jura Government during the cantonal elections in the fall of 2025. The PLR minister failed to gain access to the Council of States last October.

Born in Porrentruy on March 11, 1973, Jacques Gerber can boast a rich political career: city councilor in Porrentruy, deputy in Parliament, and cantonal minister.

>> Jacques Gerber’s interview in the 19h30:

Jacques Gerber explains the role he will play in Swiss aid for the reconstruction of Ukraine

Jacques Gerber explains the role he will play in Swiss aid for the reconstruction of Ukraine / 19h30 / 2 min. / yesterday at 19:30

PLR from the Jura is Proud

In a statement, the Jura Liberal-Radical Party (PLRJ) expressed its pride. This appointment is “a great source of pride for the Jura Liberal-Radical Party,” it stated. “This new responsibility, at the heart of a mission of national and international importance, is an opportunity that Jacques Gerber has been able to seize, once again demonstrating his unwavering commitment to the institutions.”

Regarding his replacement within the Jura Government, the PLRJ indicated that it will soon convene an extraordinary general assembly to define its strategy for the upcoming partial election scheduled for November.

When asked if Jacques Gerber fears that, following his departure, the PLRJ will lose its seat in the Jura government, he remains calm. “After nine years, I feel like I have done the work.” So yes, there is a supplementary election, but nothing indicates, according to him, that the PLR is worse positioned: “let’s let things happen, and you might be surprised.”

>> Listen in La Matinale: Who will attempt to take Jacques Gerber’s seat in the Jura government? / La Matinale / 1 min. / today at 06:18


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