Jada Pinkett Smith reveals that she has been separated from Will Smith for seven years: “When I met him, I abandoned my mental health” | People

by time news

2023-10-11 21:08:22

Among the many celebrity memoirs being released this season, the revelations brought by the one by Jada Pinkett Smith (Baltimore, 52 years old) seem to be placing themselves on the podium of leaving jaws open. The actress and presenter has revealed in a preview of Ella’s book Worthy de ella, which will hit bookstores on October 17, that her parents frequently used drugs and that she herself sold them in her youth in Baltimore. That she has struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts. And that she has been separated for more than seven years from the man she married 26 years ago, and he is the father of her two children, global superstar Will Smith.

The story of Pinkett Smith comes through a preview of the book that the magazine has obtained exclusively Peoplewhich has also made a long interview with her that has taken to the cover of this week’s paper issue. In it, the interpreter explains her childhood and her mental health problems, and also one of the most controversial episodes that she has experienced: Will Smith’s slap to Chris Rock at the 2022 Oscars, a moment that went around the world. world and that provoked millions of comments, in addition to having serious consequences, since the Academy asked the actor and singer to stop being a member. In fact, it is from remembering that moment that she explains that she and the Men in Black actor have been living separate lives since 2016. Long before that controversial awards ceremony in which he won the Oscar for best actor.

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In her biography, the presenter says that she arrived at the 2022 Oscars with a bad feeling, because Chris Rock had already made a joke about her at that same gala years ago, precisely in 2016, in the delivery called OscarsSoWhite (Oscars that are too white). ), where Rock questioned whether the film industry’s most important awards were racist. He then said about her, that he had decided not to go to the ceremony because of the lack of diversity: “Jada Pinkett Smith boycotting the Oscars is like me boycotting Rihanna’s panties. He was not invited.” For this reason, in 2022 Pinkett Smith was trying to “be optimistic, it had been a long time, it’s the Oscars, there will be no more misunderstandings, I’m sure she’ll do it right,” she says now, but she feared the worst; “She won’t be able to help it.” And the worst happened.

The rest is history: he made a joke about her and her alopecia, comparing her to the cinematic Lieutenant O’Neill (played by Demi Moore, who shaved her head during her military career). “I can’t help it, and I rolled my eyes.” This is the first time Pinkett Smith has spoken at length about that incident. He has suffered from alopecia for years, a disease that can undermine self-esteem and cause serious mental health problems. And now he dedicates a chapter of his book practically to that, a chapter called: The holy joke, the holy smack and the holy lessons. Then he says that how upset he felt was not so much because of her own alopecia, because she suffered from the disease, but because of “the people he had met who were in a much, much worse condition” than his. “It was a very light joke, as many said, but it was not about me. She was frustrated because most people can’t seem to understand how devastating alopecia can be. My heart broke for those who live with shame, the children who have committed suicide after enduring ridicule and attacks from their classmates. And now, the Oscars and all their political correctness were telling the world that it was okay to make jokes at the expense of a woman who suffered from alopecia?

Jada Pinkett and Will Smith, at the 1997 MTV Awards gala, in New York.New York Daily News Archive (NY Daily News via Getty Images)

The actress claims that she didn’t see “the seriousness of the situation” until Will Smith started yelling repeatedly at Rock from his seat to not put his wife’s name “in his fucking mouth”… and then he got up and hit him. the slap “No, it is not being a function. Even there, I’m still not sure why Will is so angry. We have made separate lives and were there as family, not as husband and wife. But when I hear Will exclaim ‘wife’ in the chaos of the moment, I suffer an internal twist of: ‘Fuck, I’m his wife.’

She saw herself again at the age of 16 in a fight in a bar in her native Baltimore, after which everything quickly exploded into the air. She knew herself there, at the Oscars, well dressed, adult. “But no matter how much growth she had experienced lately, my old mechanisms kicked in and my mind ran with, ‘Shit, if I have to fight or run I can’t, I can’t even get up.’ But Will and I are in this together.”

Pinkett Smith’s revelations in the book, of which there is only an excerpt for now, are complemented by an in-depth interview in which she talks about the beginnings of her relationship with the actor. They met in 1994, when she tried to apply for a role in the series The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, in which he starred. Then her career was starting to take off, but she was facing mental health issues that kept her in treatment. “Once I met Will, I completely abandoned my mental health. I was completely intoxicated by him and our dynamic. I really felt like I was cured. “He became my drug.” And she stopped taking her antidepressants.

After their wedding on New Year’s Eve 1997, they had two children: Jaden, in July 1998, and Willow, in October 2000. They became one of the most acclaimed couples in Hollywood, and also one of the most watched. They themselves have said that her marriage has suffered ups and downs, and that they have made each other suffer: he made her cry for 45 days in a row, as he recounted on Red Table Talk, her program. In addition, both have had extramarital affairs: she said in the summer of 2020, and with the actor in front of her, that she had had an affair with a rapper; A year later he explained that their relationship was no longer monogamous and that they had been on the brink of separation several times. In fact, for years he has preferred not to use the term “marriage” to refer to their relationship.

In 2011, the couple had a big fight after the actress’s 40th birthday party, as Will Smith told Oprah Winfrey in an interview a decade later: “We realized that it was an illusion that we could make each other happy. each other. So we decided that she would make herself happy and I would make myself happy. And then, once happy, we would return to the relationship, instead of demanding that the other fill those gaps.” She now returns to the topic of marriage: “We are still seeing how we get along. We’ve done a lot of hard work together. We feel a deep love for each other and we are going to discover what it is like for us,” she says in the interview with People, explaining that, indeed, at those 2022 Oscars they had already been separated for more than six years.

Additionally, in the talk with the magazine and in the book, Jada Pinkett Smith talks about how her son Jaden (with whom Smith has had a tense relationship for years) told her about ayahuasca, explaining that the father of a friend of his had tried it. this hallucinogenic compound and that I had to listen to the experience. She then went to an ayahuasca ceremony, where a shaman usually guides the congregants after making them drink an infusion, since they suffer very strong hallucinations. “Ayahuasca helped me, it gave me new intimate relationships with myself that I had never felt before. The suicidal thoughts are completely gone.”

People with suicidal behavior and their family members can call 024, a helpline of the Ministry of Health. You can also contact the Hope Telephone (717 003 717), dedicated to preventing this problem. In cases that affect minors, the Anar Foundation has the telephone number 900 20 20 10 and the chat on the Help for Children and Adolescents page.

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