Jadot and Hidalgo attack Mélenchon again; Dupont-Aignan mocks “Emmanuel McKinsey”… The political news of the day

by time news

” The world ” keeps the synopsis of the 2022 presidential election campaign: a daily update is published every evening at 7 p.m., which reviews the political events of the past day and discusses upcoming meetings.

News of the day. Jadot and Hidalgo attack Mélenchon again and plead the “vote of conviction”, three days before the first round

They only have a few hours left to convince left-wing voters to support them at the polls on Sunday, April 10. The environmental candidate, Yannick Jadot, and the socialist candidate, Anne Hidalgo, therefore redoubled their efforts, Thursday, April 7, to differentiate themselves from the leader of La France insoumise (LFI) by attacking his diplomatic line again and castigating any logic of “useful vote”.

The candidate of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) estimated at the microphone of France Inter that Mr. Mélenchon, who pleads for non-alignment on the international scene, « a[vait] resigned » on “the fight for the life of Ukrainian men and women”in them “leaving in front of the Russians”.

In the ninth wave of the election survey of the World, carried out by Ipsos-Sopra Steria with Cevipof and the Jean Jaurès Foundation, Jean-Luc Mélenchon confirmed his momentum of recent weeks and reached 16%. If he is certainly six points behind Mme Le Pen (21.5%), he stands out as the only candidate in a position to be able to create a surprise in the first round. Voting intentions for Mr. Jadot, on the other hand, continue to decline, falling to 6%. And 58% of his potential voters are uncertain, which could work in favor of the candidate “rebellious”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Around Jean-Luc Mélenchon, senior officials “ready to govern”

So, to left-wing voters tempted by the “useful vote” Mélenchon, the candidate of EELV opposed, Thursday, the “vote of conviction”, arguing: “Don’t get robbed the first round. »

Socialist Party candidate Anne Hidalgo played with the same voice to convince left-wing voters to turn away from the temptation to vote for Mr. Mélenchon and slip a socialist ballot into the ballot box on Sunday as she is credited with 2% in the voting projections. At the microphone of France 2, she warned voters by saying that they were “brainwashed by people who say that it is the useful vote which will make the result of Sunday”. The mayor of Paris therefore called on them to ” vote for [leurs] convictions ».

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers On the left, a global agreement for the legislative elections is at a standstill

The image. Jean-Marie Le Pen, seen by Guillaume Herbaut

For four weeks, the photographer Guillaume Herbaut publishes in The worldevery day, a photo that tells the atmosphere of France during this presidential campaign.

“I’m waiting to go to the Elysée. I was not myself, but when my daughter is going to be elected president, she will invite me, I hope! Not sure. Ah! Ah! No, but at that point I will have ceased to be compromising. » Jean-Marie Le Pen is seated at his desk on the first floor of the Montretout family home, in Saint-Cloud (Hauts-de-Seine), on March 31. His museum. Him in photography, him in painting, him in drawing. Stacks of books, far-right newspapers Here and Rivarol, flags of the National Front and a figurine of Joan of Arc. He has just received his voting card.

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“Finally, what do the people want? Bread and games ! Games are TV! (…) I’ve done a lot of it, campaigns. I traveled all over France by car, taking a lot of risks. When there were no speed limits yet, with my driver, we drove at 210 [kilomètres-heure] on the highways. (…) The fact that my granddaughter, Marion [Maréchal]supports Zemmour, It has no importance. Before it was 12%. Now that she backs him, he’s doing 10 [ %]. (…) Does the color of my tie bother you? – She is perfect. – That is the demand of the people ! “.

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The phrase. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan: “Emmanuel Macron, we could call him Emmanuel McKinsey”

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan is angry with the outgoing president. The candidate of Debout la France again attacked, on Thursday, the use of consulting firms by the government and Emmanuel Macron, not hesitating to affirm that there are “suspected conflicts of interest” with the American McKinsey. “Emmanuel Macron, we could call him Emmanuel McKinsey”he said again, Thursday morning, on LCI.

The National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF) announced on Wednesday April 6 the opening of a preliminary investigation into “aggravated laundering of tax evasion” against the American consulting firm to which the State had, during the last five-year term, abundant recourse. On March 17, the Senate issued a report to denounce the dependence of public authorities on these experts.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Emmanuel Macron tries to extricate himself from the McKinsey affair

“I too am shocked”assured, Wednesday, the president candidate for his re-election. “It is very good that justice takes up this case”, he insisted on TF1 while emphasizing the independence of the judges. The Elysée tenant also likes to recall that he has acted so that large multinationals can no longer escape tax. “This is the fight that I have been leading for five years, that we have led in Europe. Under the French presidency of the European Union, in the weeks to come, we will finally be able to pass this minimum tax.he said, adding: “One thing is to denounce, you have to correct. »

For his part, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan also said he did not regret having supported Marine Le Pen in the second round of the 2017 presidential election, but refused to say, Thursday, April 7, if he will support her if she qualifies for the second round on Sunday. The deputy opposed to the health pass, supported by Mr. Philippot, argued that, if elected, he wishes to appoint Didier Raoult, microbiologist who became the idol of anti-vaccines during the crisis linked to Covid-19, minister of health. A few minutes before, he judged: “If Emmanuel Macron were re-elected, we would have compulsory vaccination dangerous for the health of the French. »

Read also: McKinsey and Macron: the true and the false on the controversy

The day when… In 2017, the PS is already preparing for the post-presidential election and Hidalgo projects herself as “guardian of the socialist house”

Archive of the

Five years ago, Anne Hidalgo saw herself rebuilding the Socialist Party (PS). “There is no question of letting the PS house completely go down the drain”, she confided to World, walking along the old Georges-Pompidou way, on the right bank of the Seine. The mayor of the capital did not hide her ambition to be at the forefront in the post-presidential battle which was looming rue de Solférino. With a strategy diametrically opposite to that of Manuel Valls rallied to Emmanuel Macron.

“Manuel Valls has long theorized the death of the PS. It’s not my case “, she assures. “I am not one of those who would dream of burying him. The Socialist Party is over a hundred years old. People died to defend his ideas. We can’t write this story off on the pretext that we are facing the threat of a victory for the far right.can we still read in The world dated April 7, 2017.

After the presidential election, she then imagines “as guardian of the socialist house”. Which doesn’t mean “elephant keeper”, she said smiling, taking care to remember that she is “the least apparatchik of all”, since she doesn’t have “climbed the ladder or made a career for the PS”. “Unlike those who would like to recompose it by blowing it up, she is betting on her ability to make the PS evolve from within”writes our journalist Béatrice Jérôme. “The PS will not be able to remain as it is, explains Ms. Hidalgo. It will have to be changed to allow more people from civil society to get involved, as we did in Paris. »

Five years later, the mayor of Paris does not abandon this idea, even if the PS appears even more weakened. She organized a dinner on Wednesday evening to which she notably invited the former head of state François Hollande, the mayor of Lille, Martine Aubry, to reflect on the post-presidential period. Olivier Faure, the first secretary of the PS, was not invited. On the agenda: thinking about the post-election period by thinking about a new social-democratic movement that would go far beyond the PS. A gathering which could include, in a second time, environmentalists, communists and radical leftists.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers A secret dinner between Hidalgo, Hollande and Aubry to dynamite the Socialist Party

On the agenda for Friday 8 April

Last day of campaign. For this last day of the official campaign, which ends Saturday at midnight, the far-right candidate Marine Le Pen (National Rally) is in Perpignan, while Valérie Pécresse, the candidate of the Les Républicains party for the presidential election, is expected at 10:45 a.m. in Cairanne (Vaucluse).

The environmental candidate, Yannick Jadot, goes to Lyon, while the communist Fabien Roussel organizes his “End of campaign apéroussel”at noon, in Paris.

The candidate of La France insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, gives an appointment online from 7 a.m. to midnight, “for a giant multistream on several social networks with many participants”.

Appointment. We take stock of this unprecedented presidential campaign with our journalist Abel Mestre, at 3 p.m. Come and ask your questions a few hours before the first round.

In the post. Emmanuel Macron answers questions from journalists Rémy Buisine and Thomas Snégaroff, on Brut, at 7 p.m. Before Valérie Pécresse, then the socialist candidate, Anne Hidalgo, are questioned during the TF1 newspaper from 8 p.m.

Meetings. Philippe Poutou, the candidate of the New Anti-Capitalist Party, is organizing his last rally in Grenoble at 7 p.m., while his Trotskyist comrade, the Lutte Ouvrière candidate, Nathalie Arthaud, invites his supporters to come and listen to him from 7 p.m. Rouen.

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