Jaffna. National Handball Competitions at Hindu College in Kokku

by time news

Jaffna, Oct 28

33rd National Handball Tournament today in Jaffna. have started at the Hindu College in Kokku.

During this, the guests were brought to play western music, the national flag, the Northern Province flag and the school flag were hoisted and the event became a grand affair.

Tamil, Sinhalese and Muslim school students from nine provinces participated in this competition.

Provincial Education Officer Udayakumar and Northern Province Further Education Officer John Quinrens attended the event presided over by Provincial Physical Education Assistant Officer E. Rajaseelan.

Lalit Bandula Gunawardena, visiting from the Ministry of Education, karam instructors, competitors, teachers, principals and visitors also participated in the event.

54 teams in men’s category and 54 teams in women’s category are participating in this national level tournament which will be held till next Sunday-

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