Jaime Granados, Uribe’s lawyer, leaves the country due to threats | THE UNIVERSAL

by time news

2023-07-25 05:34:21

Through his Twitter account, former President Álvaro Uribe Vélez announced that Jaime Granados, one of his lawyers, had to leave the country due to recent threats and intimidation suffered.

In the afternoon of this Monday, July 24, the former president published on this social network that Granados was persecuted this Sunday by two armed men who were riding a motorcycle, while the lawyer entered a pharmacy.

It should be noted that the litigant is one of the representatives of Uribe Vélez in the case that the justice system is bringing against him for the alleged crimes of bribery and procedural fraud.

The lawyer has not referred to these facts publicly. It is also not known at the moment if he filed a complaint, or in which city the events occurred.

Who is Jaime Granados?

Jaime Granados is a renowned criminal lawyer from the Javeriana University and who, among his first jobs, was part of the company of the renowned Jorge Barón. Later, he became relevant in his field with trials that were highly publicized, such as the Colmenares case, in which he defended Laura Moreno.

In the same way, he worked in the process of Colonel Luis Alfonso Plazas Vega for the case of the disappeared persons in the seizure of the Palace of Justice.

Granados is also recognized for having represented Óscar Iván Zuluaga in the investigation that the Prosecutor’s Office opened for the video of the well-remembered hacker Andrés Sepúlveda, something that was a key event and that would end up tarnishing his presidential campaign for the year 2014.

In recent years, this lawyer has also dedicated himself to defending Uribe before the Supreme Court of Justice and the Prosecutor’s Office, for the aforementioned accusations of procedural fraud and witness bribery.

#Jaime #Granados #Uribes #lawyer #leaves #country #due #threats #UNIVERSAL

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