Japan denounces “extremely regrettable” Chinese harassment

by time news

2023-08-29 08:46:30

Tokyo again condemned on Tuesday, August 29, the acts against the Japanese attributed to China, since the beginning of the discharge into the sea of ​​the waters of the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant. Acts also including a wave of telephone harassment against Japanese companies and stone throwing against Japanese schools in China, are “extremely regrettable and worrying”said Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In China, the authorities fuel the anger of the people against the discharge of water from the Fukushima power plant

Mr. Hayashi also confirmed that a brick was thrown at the Japanese Embassy in China. Asked by Agence France-Presse on Tuesday, the embassy confirmed that this information was “generally accurate”. “So far, there have been no demonstrations or violence (…). But there are a few people, alone, who have, in front of our door (…) does what you just mentioned”, reported an embassy spokesperson. These individuals were “arrested” by Chinese security forces stationed outside the embassy, ​​he said.

Asked what action Beijing would take following the incidents, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Monday that, China “always protect the safety and legitimate rights and interests of foreigners in China, in accordance with the law”.

“We urge the Japanese side to address the legitimate concerns of all parties, immediately stop the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, fully consult with neighbors and other stakeholders, and seriously rid responsible nuclear contaminated water »added Mr. Wang.

China urged to ‘provide accurate information’

At a press conference, Hayashi for his part on Tuesday urged the Chinese government “to immediately take appropriate measures, including calling on its citizens to act calmly to prevent the situation from escalating, and to take all possible measures to ensure the safety of Japanese nationals” in China.

Japan had already summoned the Chinese ambassador to Tokyo on Monday, August 28, to protest against the wave of telephone harassment from China, which Japanese companies apparently chosen at random have suffered for several days.

Read also: Discharge of Fukushima water: Japan denounces a wave of Chinese telephone harassment

Mr. Hayashi also called on Beijing to “provide accurate information on treated water” of the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant, whose discharge into the sea began on Thursday August 24, “rather than unnecessarily arousing public concern by providing information that is devoid of any scientific basis”.

China has suspended since the previous week all its imports of seafood products from Japan, in reaction to the beginning of the discharge of water, resulting in particular from the injections necessary to cool damaged reactors of the Fukushima Daiichi plant since the 2011 tsunami in northeast Japan.

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The discharge into the Pacific Ocean of water from Fukushima has been validated by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and Tokyo assures that it will be harmless to the environment and human health.

The level of radioactivity in line with forecasts, not exceeding the fixed ceiling

The water was treated to rid it of its radioactive substances, with the exception of tritium, then diluted with seawater before discharge into the ocean, so that its level of radioactivity did not exceed the targeted ceiling of 1,500 becquerels per litre. This is a level forty times lower than the Japanese standard for this type of operation, which is common practice in the nuclear industry worldwide.

Seawater tests carried out since the beginning of the discharge have confirmed that the level of radioactivity was in line with forecasts and did not exceed the ceiling set, according to Tepco, the operator of the plant, and the Japanese authorities.

On the basis of its own analyses, the IAEA also assured last Thursday that the degree of radioactivity of the tritiated water that Japan began to evacuate was “far below” the set operational limit of 1,500 becquerels per litre.

In total, Japan intends to evacuate more than 1.3 million cubic meters of tritiated water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean until the beginning of the 2050s, according to the current schedule.

Read also: Discharge of water from Fukushima: the first safety tests are conclusive

The World with AFP

#Japan #denounces #extremely #regrettable #Chinese #harassment

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