Japan finances a project to supply Drinking Water for the inhabitants of Cantons in Sonsonate.

by time news

2023-11-22 04:22:43

On November 16, the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Caluco together with the Las Flores Community Development Association (ADESCOLAF), the Cantón Cerro Alto Community Development Association (ADESCOCA) and the Embassy of Japan in El Salvador, through its APCS program ( Non-Refundable Financial Assistance Program for Community Human Security Projects), participated in the inauguration of the “Water Supply Project”.
Drinking Water in Cantones Las Flores and Cerro Alto of the Municipality of Caluco.”

With the recently inaugurated project, more than 500 inhabitants and two schools in the Cerro Alto canton and Las Flores canton are directly benefiting; thus improving the quality of life of the inhabitants, the health of the area and also guaranteeing access to clean and safe drinking water.

Since the founding of the two communities, they had never had drinking water in their homes. During all this time, the inhabitants of both cantons were supplied through a system of water jugs which are connected to temporary water sources that dry up during the summer. Already in the summer, families had to go down to the Chiquihuat River to wash clothes and stock up on water, taking approximately 1 hour for this activity.

Faced with such a need, the Municipal Mayor of Caluco accompanied the communities for more than 5 years and together they sought support for accompaniment from the Embassy of Japan in El Salvador, to be able to carry out the drinking water supply project in the community.

So that all families today have a drinking water system in their homes,
A total investment of USD $302,080.00 was made, which was allocated for the execution of
the entire project, broken down as follows:

The official inauguration of the project was carried out by the Ambassador of Japan, Mr. ARIYOSHI Katsuhide, together with the Distinguished Municipal Mayor of Caluco, Mr. Nelson Sibrián, the President of the Las Flores Community Development Association (ADESCOLAF), Mr. Oscar Cruz and the President of the Cerro Alto Community Development Association (ADESCOCA), Mr. José López and members of the community.

With this type of projects that the Embassy of Japan in El Salvador carries out through its APCS program, the quality of life of Salvadorans and especially the most vulnerable communities in the country is sought, under the concept of “human security.” which calls for protecting the right of people to lead a happy and dignified life, free from fear
and misery, through their protection and the development of their capacities.

#Japan #finances #project #supply #Drinking #Water #inhabitants #Cantons #Sonsonate

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