Japan inaugurates 07 classrooms at the CEG de Sè

by time news

2023-07-28 00:43:42

On July 20, 2023, the Japanese Embassy in Benin inaugurated school facilities in the General Education College (CEG) of Sè. A work that is added to several others already made.
Committed to the formation of quality human capital, a guarantee of sustainable development, Japan, through its representation in Benin, continues to invest in improving the Beninese education system. In this logic, at the CEG de Sè, in the commune of Houéyogbé, 07 classrooms were inaugurated, a laboratory for the benefit of the learners of the said college. Coming after the signing of the donation contract between the Embassy and the NGO “Association Vive le Paysan Nouveau”, on November 12, 2022, this project, which materialized in less than a year, benefits from funding of more than of 98 million FCFA. It is part of the program entitled “Assistance to Local Projects” of the Government of Japan, which provides aid, in the form of donations, to local projects contributing to human security. In her address on the occasion of the inauguration ceremony, the Program Officer for Local Projects of the Embassy of Japan, Riki Muraki, underlined that the construction of these classrooms by the financing of Japan s is part of Japan’s commitment to support the government of Benin and particularly the Commune of Houéyogbé, in the process of improving its education system. “Thanks to this Japanese contribution, the working conditions of children and teachers at the General Education College of Sè will be significantly improved,” she said. In turn, the authorities present, namely departmental and communal, as well as the beneficiaries did not fail to express their gratitude to the Japanese people for their constantly renewed support for Beninese education. They have also made a commitment to make good use of the infrastructure.

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Q. A.

juillet 27, 2023

#Japan #inaugurates #classrooms #CEG #Sè

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