Japan to Release Treated Fukushima Water into Ocean, Sparking Controversy

by time news

Japan to Release Treated Radioactive Water from Fukushima into the Ocean Despite Opposition

Tokyo, Japan – In a controversial move, Japan announced on Tuesday that it will begin releasing treated radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the ocean as early as Thursday. The decision comes after months of heightened public anxiety and pushback from neighboring countries.

The 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan caused water within the Fukushima nuclear plant to be contaminated with highly radioactive material. Since then, new water has been pumped in to cool fuel debris in the reactors, resulting in the accumulation of radioactive wastewater. This wastewater has been treated and stored in massive tanks, but space is running out, prompting authorities to look for other disposal methods.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said the release will proceed on August 24 if no obstacles are encountered. The government made the decision after holding a cabinet meeting to discuss the issue. In July, the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) concluded that Japan’s plan aligns with international safety standards and would have a “negligible radiological impact to people and the environment,” which prompted Japan to proceed with the water discharge.

However, Japan’s decision has been met with opposition from neighboring countries. Officials from China and the Pacific Islands have voiced alarm and opposition to the plan. South Korea, while expressing support for Japan, has seen multiple street protests against the release. Fishing communities in Japan and South Korea are concerned about the potential impact on their livelihoods, as consumers in the region are already avoiding seafood from Japan and its nearby waters.

The radioactive wastewater contains dangerous elements, but the majority of these can be removed through various treatment processes, according to Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). The main issue is a hydrogen isotope called radioactive tritium, which cannot be removed with current technology. Authorities assure that the Fukushima wastewater will be highly diluted and released slowly over decades to meet international regulations.

Many countries, including the United States, regularly release treated wastewater containing small amounts of tritium from their nuclear plants. TEPCO, the Japanese government, and the IAEA argue that tritium occurs naturally in the environment, including in rain and tap water, and therefore the wastewater release should be safe. However, experts remain divided on the risk this poses, with some concerned about potential harm to marine life and the lack of long-term research on the biological effects of tritium exposure.

The diluted water will be released through an undersea tunnel off the coast into the Pacific Ocean. Third-party organizations, including the IAEA, will monitor the discharge during and after its release.

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