Järva Area: Decreasing Gang Violence and Improving Safety through Community Efforts

by time news

Improvements in Safety and Security in Järva Area of Stockholm

The Järva area in northwest Stockholm has long been plagued by a violent gang conflict between the Death Patrol and the rival group Shottaz. Since 2015, this feud has resulted in numerous acts of violence and loss of life. However, recent developments indicate a significant decrease in violence and improved safety in the area.

The violence started to subside after the incarceration or death of several leaders from both groups. As a result, many residents of Järva now feel safer and more secure. Ahmed Bouhli, a long-time resident of Tensta, expresses his satisfaction with the positive changes in the area. He emphasizes the role of the police in disrupting drug sales, which has made a noticeable difference on the streets. Bouhli, who has worked with young people for years, also emphasizes the importance of protecting the youth from getting involved in criminal activities.

One of the key actors working to improve safety in Järva is the non-profit association Fastighetsägare i Järva. The association, which includes private and municipally owned property owners, housing associations, and community associations, has been dedicated to enhancing safety and security in the area since its establishment in 2007. They have adopted the BID (business improvement district) model, which organizes and implements measures to combat crime and increase security in a specific geographical area.

Through joint efforts, the association conducts security walks, organizes information meetings on relevant topics, and ensures regular security inspections of their members’ properties. They have also hired security guards to patrol the area and maintain close collaboration with the police and district administration.

The association represents approximately 19,500 residential apartments out of the 25,000 in Järva. Their efforts have yielded positive results, as evidenced by the improved perception of safety among residents. However, certain areas, including Tensta, Hjulsta, and Rinkeby, are still classified as particularly vulnerable according to the latest police situation report.

Karin Göransson, the operations manager for Property Owners in Järva, highlights the success of their work in transforming Skårbygränd in Rinkeby. They replaced a known drug-dealing kiosk with greenery and improved infrastructure, enhancing the public environment. Göransson emphasizes the importance of continued security work to maintain the positive progress made in the area.

The gang war in Järva, which started in 2015, has been marked by tragic incidents and loss of life. Several key figures from the Death Patrol were recently sentenced to long prison terms for a double murder in Denmark in 2019. Since then, the gang’s activities in Sweden have relatively quieted down. However, the murder of a gang affiliate in Rinkeby in December 2020 marked the beginning of a wave of violence in Stockholm.

Despite the challenges, the concerted efforts of organizations like Fastighetsägare i Järva have contributed to significant improvements in safety and security in the Järva area. Ongoing collaboration between stakeholders, including property owners, housing associations, and the police, is crucial to maintaining a safe and secure environment for the residents.

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