Jasmine in Cosmetics: A Miracle Cure for Dark Circles? Causes, Methods & Effects Explored

by time news

2023-05-08 17:06:37

Everyone has to struggle with dark circles. Concealer and make-up conceal and cover. Appropriate eye care is also said to reduce dark shadows: jasmine ointment is considered a real miracle cure here. We took a closer look at the beauty trend and will inform you about the ingredients, the effect and use of jasmine in cosmetics.

Causes of dark circles

Nasty dark circles under your eyes? Then the night was certainly too short or sleepless. Not necessarily! In addition to a lack of sleep, there can be numerous reasons behind dark circles. We reveal other causes for the unwelcome shadows – and how you can avoid them.

Methods against dark shadows under the eyes

Dark circles from lack of sleep

If we don’t sleep enough, when we look in the mirror the next morning, the receipt awaits us! Lack of sleep impairs blood circulation around the eyes, so the blood here contains less oxygen and is darker. The blood vessels clearly shine through the thin skin and are visible as bluish-purple shadows around the eyes.

Too little sleep, but also vitamin and nutrient deficiencies are often the cause of dark circles under the eyes – find out here what helps against it.© PeopleImages

Thus, hyperpigmentation favors dark circles

Unfortunately, dark circles can also be genetic: Hyperpigmentation, for example, is a very common reason for dark shadows. However, these dark circles are not bluish-purple because they are not caused by translucent vessels. They tend to shimmer brownish or greyish, as an excessive amount of melanin has accumulated as a result of hyperpigmentation. Melanin is the skin pigment that conjures up a summer tan on our skin when we sunbathe. If you are affected by hyperpigmentation, don’t forget sunglasses and sunscreen when the sun is shining!

If you drink too little water, it inhibits blood flow and oxygenation of the skin, which promotes dark circles.
If you drink too little water, it inhibits blood flow and oxygenation of the skin, which promotes dark circles.© Prostock Studio

How unhealthy eating makes dark circles worse

As soon as the body is missing something, it becomes visible after a short time. Dark circles under the eyes can indicate a vitamin and nutrient deficiency. In the case of iron deficiency, the reduced oxygen supply causes the blood to turn darker and the shadows around the eyes as well. A deficit in nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc or magnesium also leads to discolouration under the eyes. And finally, dehydration also inhibits the oxygen supply to the skin. So if you want to prevent dark circles under your eyes, make sure you eat a balanced diet and drink enough.

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What dark circles reveal about lifestyle

Look me in the eye and I’ll tell you how you live? In fact, stress, lack of exercise, as well as alcohol and nicotine consumption result in metabolic end products that accumulate under the eyes and cause unsightly discolouration. A clear sign that it is time for a mental detox and that your body also urgently needs detoxification.
Health problems such as heart, kidney or liver diseases can also be responsible for pronounced or suddenly appearing dark circles – then it is essential to seek medical advice.

dark circles in old age

With increasing age, our skin loses its elasticity, it becomes thinner and drier and thus appears sunken. The first wrinkles therefore usually appear on the delicate skin around the eyes. The vessels are now more clearly visible underneath and are easier to see as dark circles under the eyes. Special creams for the eye area are designed to help reduce visible signs of aging. In addition to jasmine ointment, eye pads and creams with hawthorn and vitamin E are also suitable

Jasmine – the fragrant medicinal plant

Real jasmine has been used for centuries as a medicinal plant for physical and mental ailments. However, it is important to know that all parts of the jasmine plant are poisonous and for this reason should never be consumed pure. The essential oil of the plant is used in aromatherapy and helps with depression, anxiety, nervousness and exhaustion. If the oil is applied to the skin, jasmine has an antibacterial, regenerating and blood circulation-promoting effect. It can also alleviate skin problems such as acne, relieve cramps and reduce pain. Jasmine is commonly used in cosmetics, but is also offered in the form of a tea. Since the plant is poisonous, the fragrance is used here as a flavor and not the plant itself.

The essential oils, which are obtained from the jasmine blossom, have an antibacterial effect, stimulate blood circulation and regenerate the skin cells.
The essential oils, which are obtained from the jasmine blossom, have an antibacterial effect, stimulate blood circulation and regenerate the skin cells.© Alina Rosanova

Jasmine extract – this is what makes the active ingredient so special

The jasmine oil obtained from real jasmine has a unique composition of ingredients.

anthranilic acid methyl ester: The tongue twister is used to create flower scents and works against pathogens such as bacteria, but also fungal infestation.

Jason: Jasmone is the scent of jasmine, which keeps insects away from the plant while reducing the fertility of predators.

Indole: Indole is a natural element of the dye indigo blue and is required by humans to produce hormones (serotonin and melatonin).

Jasmine is rich in so-called flavonoids. These are secondary plant substances that are used in numerous pharmaceutical products, for example against sleep disorders or depressive moods. In facial care, flavonoids have an antioxidant effect and help to neutralize free radicals and make them harmless to the skin.

Jasmine against dark circles – the effect

The flavonoids in jasmine prevent premature skin aging in cosmetics by stimulating the cell’s own repair system and strengthening the blood vessels. The skin is protected and the development of dark circles, wrinkles and droopy eyelids is slowed down.

Another special feature of the cosmetic jasmine active ingredient is that it counteracts the breakdown of collagen production. Collagen is the active ingredient that keeps our skin elastic and youthful. This means that thin skin is prevented and the formation of dark shadows under the eyes is prevented. In addition, Arabian jasmine can inhibit a special enzyme that is involved in the formation of melanin and prevent dark circles under the eyes caused by hyperpigmentation.

In cosmetics, in addition to eye pads, jasmine ointment is primarily used to combat dark circles and as an anti-aging product. Hawthorn, which strengthens the skin, is often included in addition to jasmine. The jasmine ointment for the eyes is applied to cleansed skin twice a day. It can be used as day and night care. The ointment should be rubbed in gently so as not to strain the sensitive skin under the eyes too much. The first results should be visible after four weeks.

Eye care is particularly beneficial when it is stored in the refrigerator: the refreshing and decongestant effect is intensified.
Eye care is particularly beneficial when it is stored in the refrigerator: the refreshing and decongestant effect is intensified.© Prostock Studio

How much does jasmine ointment cost against dark circles

Jasmine ointment is available in pharmacies and in online stores. The products differ significantly in price. Inexpensive manufacturers offer 100 milliliters from 20 euros, higher-quality products are available from 70 euros.

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