“Jason Sudeikis threw himself under Olivia Wilde’s car”

by time news

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Olivia Wilde Jason Sudeikis

Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis

(Photo: Gettyimages)

The dirty laundry of Olivia Wild and her former partner and father of her children, the actor and director Jason Sudeikis, comes out – and it is much stinkier than you can imagine: new and dirty details about the well-publicized breakup between Wilde and Sudeikis have reached the “Daily Mail” website, and what at first appeared to be a friendly breakup that was conducted in a good spirit – turned out to be a particularly ugly breakup. The thank you letters can be directed to the person who was the nanny of their children.

In November 2020 and after nine years of marriage – of which they lived for about seven years as an engaged couple and gave birth to two children together, Wilde and Sudeikis announced that they are separating. Those close to the couple claimed that the separation was inevitable and happened a few months before. In addition, the two stated that “they have become a great joint parental unit. Their children are the first priority and the heart of the family’s bond.” Wilde, for her part, tried to show that the separation was indeed conducted in a good spirit and the paparazzi photographers who frequented the area of ​​their home even managed to capture a photo of the actress warmly hugging her ex-partner.

Contrary to what Wilde tried to transmit to the outside – it turns out that her and Sudeikis’ breakup was not amicable and even that the two talked about marriage – they broke up a month later, a few weeks after the filming of “Don’t worry my dear” began. “The decision to separate was really not mutual,” claimed the therapist, who preferred not to be identified.

The therapist also added that during the three years she worked for the family she never noticed any problems in the relationship between Wilde and Sudeikis. A source close to the couple added that less than a month before the breakup, Wilde talked to the staff about her plans to marry Jason and also give the role of the flower girl to her eldest daughter. Daisybut as mentioned, everything changed after Wilde met Harry Styles on the photo set and “quickly fell in love with the singer”. “Olivia looked especially giddy and funny when she was around Harry,” said the therapist, who took the actress’ daughter on one occasion to meet her mother on the set.

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Olivia Wilde Jason SudeikisOlivia Wilde Jason Sudeikis

on better days. Olivia, Jason, Daisy and Austin

(Photo: Splashnews)

Wilde reportedly decided to spend more and more time on the set until she finally rented a hotel room near the set in Los Angeles for $1,650 a night. To Sudeikis, she explained the move as a result of the corona outbreak on the set. On November 8, 2020, Wilde arrived at their shared home, and then – according to the nanny – said goodbye to Sudeikis.

And it keeps getting dirtier: Sudeikis was reportedly first exposed to the romance between Wilde and Stiles after the actress left her smartwatch unattended, so he was privy to text messages exchanged between Harry and Olivia. Very quickly he ordered the nanny not to play Stiles’ songs near his children. “It was supposed to be a temporary break in favor of the corona – but that’s how we found out that she left us,” said the therapist. “I came back to their house on Monday, November 9 after the weekend, and he cried a lot. He cried and cried. I didn’t know what happened at all. After I got the kids ready, Jason went upstairs, made himself some coffee and while he was crying, he said that Olivia had left them.”

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Olivia Wilde Jason SudeikisOlivia Wilde Jason Sudeikis

His heart was broken. Sudeikis

(Photo: Backgrid)

“He just got out of control and cried. I didn’t know what to say. He said he was going to bring her back because he loved her. He was so heartbroken – I worried about him,” the therapist said, adding: “He started telling me details about the relationship between Olivia And Harry. He said she was the one who made the first move, she was the one who kissed him at one of the staff dinners in Palm Springs. She was the one who did it.”

The nanny added that on November 13, Wilde, who stayed at their shared home for a few days while Sudeikis was away, went to a party with Styles and didn’t return home until 4 a.m. Two days later the actress angered Sudeikis when she made Styles a salad with “the special dressing he liked” in their family kitchen. According to her, Jason flew into a rage, before chasing her to the car and trying to prevent her from driving. “The night she left the house with the salad, Jason chased after her while videotaping her. She told him she was afraid of him and he said to her, ‘If you’re afraid of me then why are you leaving your children with me?'” After that he went outside And lay under her car so she couldn’t leave. She went into the house and then he went in too, then she went out again and he followed her. He told her he was doing it on purpose so she wouldn’t go see Harry.”

And there’s more: “Jason told me, ‘She made this salad and she made her special dressing and she’s going out with the salad to have dinner with Harry.’ Prepared it for him.” The therapist added and said that although Wilde agreed to go to couples therapy, she was really “filled” with Stiles until she compared her need for him to drug addiction. “Olivia never took those therapy sessions seriously. She didn’t want to go – Jason wanted it. Olivia had no intention of fixing things in front of him. I think it just made her look good – there were a few pictures of her hugging Jason After the treatment and it gave the impression that they were ending the relationship in a beautiful way. That was a lie. Jason was heartbroken the whole time.”

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Olivia Wilde Jason SudeikisOlivia Wilde Jason Sudeikis

The salad dressing broke it for good

(Photo: Gettyimages)

In the shocking interview, the therapist revealed that Wilde’s departure provoked unstable behavior on the part of Sudeikis and according to her there was a significant worsening of his drinking habits. The nanny added that Wilde told her that she had no reception to talk to their children – but only later realized that she was with Stiles at all, following Shared photos of the two leaked to the media. “When Olivia left Jason for Harry, she still left him voicemails and texts telling him she loved him and that he was everything to her. He let me read them and listen to them. When I saw the pictures of Olivia and Harry holding hands I just couldn’t believe it. A month ago Yeah – when we were in Los Angeles – she texted Jason and told him she loved him. Like, how can you be in this relationship and then hold hands with someone else?”

Sudeikis, according to the therapist – and quite logically, had a very hard time dealing with Wilde’s departure and especially with the fact that his ex-partner’s daughter seemed very happy. “He tried to work on himself but was very upset. There were a few days when he just wouldn’t stop cursing and calling her names. He would say he was tired of this shit and it was all because of Olivia – who left them.”

In December 2020, the nanny joined Sudeikis and his two children in London for the filming of the second season of “Ted Lasso”. According to her, Jason used her to leak details about Wilde and also texted her too often from the set to find out if she had heard from his ex-partner. The therapist, who she claims felt overwhelmed by the toxic relationship between Jason and Olivia, informed the actor that she wanted to leave at the end of January – but offered him that she would continue to work until a replacement was found for her. According to her, on February 1, 2021, she was unexpectedly fired late at night by Sudeikis, who was drunk and angry with her after he found out that she had texted Wilde. “Take your things and fly. Why are you sending her messages?” Sudeikis wrote to the nanny, who replied back that she was very afraid of him right now, after he had been drinking and acting drunk.

The nanny packed her things and moved into the “Rosewood” hotel in London for $719 a night. She stayed there for a whole month with Jason and Olivia footing the bill. After returning to the United States she said that she was fired without receiving compensation and could not claim unemployment since Olivia and Jason claimed that she was the one who decided to leave and not they fired her. “I didn’t get anything, nothing. I asked about compensation but they didn’t give me anything. It was very difficult. The hardest part is that I’ve been a nurse for 20 years, it’s my career. I love children so much and I’m so happy for what I do. It’s just It tore me apart and I was afraid to work for any other family, I thought they would hurt me. I began to think that all families are the same.”

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Olivia Wilde Jason SudeikisOlivia Wilde Jason Sudeikis

The messages between the nanny and Sudeikis on the day she was fired


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Olivia Wilde Jason SudeikisOlivia Wilde Jason Sudeikis

Correspondence between Wilde and the nanny on the day she was fired


Despite the very dramatic ending – the nanny admitted that she enjoyed most of her time working for the Wilde-Sudeikis family, adding that she adored their two children. She claims she still feels empathy for Sudeikis but is angry at Wilde, who left the family and turned the family’s happy life upside down. “I lived with Jason and saw him every day and we had a lot of good times, but the bad times were really bad. I feel like Jason really wanted things to work out, he tried. He left everything to go to therapy and really tried harder, but it didn’t work out “.

The nanny added that the last time she spoke to Wilde, four months ago, she asked her to get some information about the children. “I was so heartbroken that I had to leave them, they felt abandoned. I was shocked and traumatized. They treated me like I was a bag of garbage to be thrown out. It took me a long time to be able to say that what they did to me was wrong. I texted Olivia and told her that I was very I miss the children. She replied that she was ‘sending me love’, as if nothing had happened. I asked her if she would like to help me try to mediate, and her staff members sent me an email and asked what issue should be mediated. I replied, ‘Stop working illegally and say goodbye to the children properly, That they know I didn’t abandon them’. She never came back to me.”

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Olivia Wilde Jason SudeikisOlivia Wilde Jason Sudeikis

Has not yet received a response from the (former) royal couple

(Photo: Gettyimages)

For the benefit of those who are less familiar with the plots of Wilde and Sudikais, we remind you that in January 2021, two months after the two announced that they were separating, couple photos of Wilde and Stiles were leaked to the media. The two arrived together, hand in hand, to the wedding of Styles’ personal agent in California. “Olivia and Harry have become very close recently and they spend a lot of time together,” an anonymous source in the know told Mail Online, adding: “She has been spotted visiting his home several times in recent weeks.”

“I’m happier than I’ve ever been and I’m healthier than I’ve ever been and it’s just wonderful to feel that way,” Wilde said In an interview with the cover of “Vogue” magazine which took place last December. “Obviously it’s tempting to correct the false narrative, but in the end all that matters is what’s real, what you love and who you love.”
Four months after the interview, last April and while she was speaking on stage at Comic-Con – Wilde received legal documents in front of the whole world which were filed on behalf of Sudeikis, who claimed custody of their two children from her. The awkward moment took place in front of an audience of 4,100 people and was even broadcast live.
Last August The “Daily Mail” website revealed legal documents in which it appears that Wilde and Sudeikis’ joint custody and parenting agreement, which began amicably, turned into a bitter dispute – mainly regarding Wilde’s move to London, where her current partner, singer Harry Styles, lives.

After the separation, the two tried to maintain good relations and the initial conclusion was to send their children to school in Los Angeles for the upcoming school year. “Jason has decided he wants to go to New York next year, while he’s not working, and wants the kids to be there with him,” Wild claimed in the filing. “When I didn’t agree, since the kids haven’t lived in New York for a few years, Jason submitted those documents.”

After the embarrassing incident, Sudeikis’ associates were quick to clarify that the star did not know that this was the way in which the documents would be served to her: “He did not know in advance when and how it would happen. The company through which the documents were sent was responsible for this and he absolutely would not have wanted them to be served to her in such a way.” It doesn’t seem that Wilde was any less convinced that it was an innocent mistake – and she certainly wasn’t going to pass it by in silence. “Jason used outrageous legal tactics. His actions were clearly designed to threaten me and catch me off guard. He could have served me the documents discreetly but instead he chose the most aggressive route,” she said.

Since December 2021, Sudeikis, Wild and their two children have been living in London, but in the documents he submitted to the court, the actor claimed that he intended to return to live “in their permanent home” in Brooklyn last July – after he finished filming the new season of the series “Ted Lasso”. Sudeikis added that he hopes Wilde and their children will also return to New York so they can continue the current custody arrangement. On the other hand, Wild claims that in the last four years her children spent time in Los Angeles or London and even attended two different schools – in both cities. We will continue to follow!

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Olivia Wilde Jason SudeikisOlivia Wilde Jason Sudeikis

Better than any action movie. Wilde and Sudeikis

(Photo: Gettyimages)

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