Javier Corral receives protection; they can’t stop it

by time news
Javier Corral receives protection; they can’t stop itJavier Corral, former governor of Chihuahua. Photo: Cuartoscuro

Former Chihuahua governor Javier Corral receives legal relief tonight Obtain an amparo that temporarily suspends the arrest warrant against you. The Fifth District Court in Amparo in Mexico City, presided over by Judge Patricia Marcela Díaz Cerda, had granted Corral the provisional suspension, protecting him from being arrested for the alleged misappropriation of 98.6 million pesos during his administration.

To maintain this judicial protection, a 120 thousand pesos guaranteed, Corrales will have to pay. In addition, he set a hearing for next August 27 to decide whether to grant him a definitive suspension, which could indefinitely put on hold an arrest warrant against the former governor.

The precautionary measure includes the holding of a constitutional hearing to be held on September 27. On this date, the judges will be able to issue a final ruling on the protection requested by Corral, which will more clearly define his legal status.

[TE PUEDE INTERESAR: Cronología del intento de detención de Javier Corral en CDMX]

An arrest warrant was issued against Corral Jurado at the request of the Chihuahua Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, based on a complaint from the Superior State Audit Office, which accused the former governor of the crime of embezzlement. Although this crime does not require ex officio preventive detention, additional factors were taken into account such as the risk of escape and the safety of victims and witnesses.

Since the grant of this security, Javier Corral is temporarily protected from being detained by the arrest warrant issued against him, While the legal process is ongoing.

What crimes is former Chihuahua governor Javier Corral accused of?

An attempt to arrest Javier Corral was made by officers of the Chihuahua Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office. At the restaurant they presented the arrest warrant Crimes of embezzlement and acts of corruption,

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