Javier López and Darling Pérez: lawyer and doctor. Libertine writers | Freedom | Trujillo | Peru | CULTURE

by time news

2023-10-01 14:01:53

It is generally assumed that to be a writer you have to study a degree in Literature, Education or Communications. Of course, it is projected that literary archetypes, universal, Latin American and Peruvian literature will be reviewed within the curriculum. In addition, the formation of literary creation workshops in the genres of short stories, poetry and novels is noted. Currently, literary editing workshops are organized. Obviously, the objective is to train writers capable of understanding, analyzing and interpreting literary texts. Objectively, it is estimated that they understand innovative proposals in humanistic areas that contribute to the growth of a multicultural and globalized society. However, there are and persist writers who, having university training in other disciplines and with other daily professional practice, continue to create, publish and expand their message. We have universal examples of this profile of writers, Hispanic Americans, Peruvians and Liberteños.

SEE MORE: Recognition of libertine writers

Lawyer and doctor

In our La Libertad region, among other cases, we have the case of the lawyer Manuel Javier López Méndez, who has a doctorate in Law and Political Science from the National University of Trujillo and works as a provincial prosecutor in La Libertad. He belonged to the literary group “Literalma”, from his alma mater, and publishes his writings in the magazine “Luz entre Palabras”. At the same time, we have the participation of doctor Darling Pérez Oliveira, who specializes in Gynecology and Obstetrics and works in an important local hospital. Both are outstanding professionals practicing their disciplines and, overcoming work schedules, they give themselves time to develop their literary vocation. Thus, Manuel Javier López Méndez published “Definitive Orgasms” (2022) and Darling Pérez Oliveira published “Medical Stories” (2021), books that we discuss on this occasion.

Ultimate orgasms

James Quiroz in the prologue quotes Octavio Paz in his “Erotism and love. The double flame of life”, there the original and primordial fire made man burn until he turned into a bonfire. Quiroz adds that, “the book carries the wave of the deification of the muse, the ideation of loss and absence, the recreation of oblivion.” Once upon a time, Eros was represented from two perspectives: the beautiful god who provoked love in those he touched with his arrows, and also as the unnameable beast that the gods feared. “Definitive Orgasms” contains poems from both perspectives of love. With simple, direct, lyrical language, he gives us accessible verses that draw the beloved from the always bright light of the poet in love. Not everything is a celebration, sometimes it denotes absence for the same reason that it fights against oblivion from the infatuation and emotion of it. In the content, metaphors from intense life work, overcoming the taboo: “VII, Climb up to the scaffold of your skin/ and die intensely of eternal life,/ write poems like a madman/with my royal asp tongue/on the ceiling of your dermis or/ write them like a damn drunk with lust/ until you reach the definitive orgasm. Poetry!” (p. 19). In short, it is a hopeful song to love, passion, the feminine and death. López Méndez also writes stories, essays and academic works in his specialty.

YOU CAN READ: Freedom: Books and authors of the year that is gone

medical stories

Darling Pérez Olivera initially published a book of micropoetry with interesting “demons” and with which he burst in, creating expectations in the local scene, in which he has positioned himself as a persevering writer as demonstrated in his first book of “Medical Tales”. all set in that transcendental space for everyone: the hospital. There are twelve stories converted into narratives that present the author as a narrator of short but intense stories. There is no one better than him to personalize and transfer the human feeling from patients and families devastated by illness, pain and tragedy, who do not differentiate between age or sex. Narrated with ease and convenient precision. He denotes narrative techniques such as in the story “Circle of Life”, where we find a character in first person who begins to have several flashbacks and treasures his personal space (p. 51). It is an essential and human book for those of us who have visited or lived in a hospital. There, she feels close to death. All citizens who have spent more than one night lying on the stretcher can identify with the stories and emotions contained in this brief, but intense book of stories, based on real events, anecdotes and human experiences. The writer Darling Pérez has a direct, simple and accessible language for readers and includes his illustrations in the texts that make his narrative more didactic. Not in vain does he carry the prologue by the renowned Pierre Castro.

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The writing and background of both books is valuable, as they are the results of the daily ad honorem literary work that we highlight, coming from the sensitivity and dedication of a prosecutor and a doctor; because it has demanded concentration, dedication and effort from its authors. However, his career specialties and his literary works are positioning themselves. Congratulations.


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