Javier Milei is elected president of Argentina

by time news

2023-11-20 02:27:41

Economist Javier Milei (La Libertad Avanza), 53 years old, was elected president of Argentina this Sunday (19).

In the second round, he surpassed the government candidate and current Economy Minister, Sergio Massa (Union por la Patria), who had won the first round on October 22.

At 8:36 pm, with 93.39% of the votes counted, Milei had 55.82% of the votes against 44.17% for Massa, who admitted defeat even before the first partial was announced.

Milei will take office on December 10th.

The Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), used social media to wish the new government “good luck”, but did not mention Milei’s name.

Milei’s proposals

During his campaign events, Milei appeared wielding a chainsaw, which symbolized promises to drastically cut government expenses, eliminate public subsidies and “break with the status quo”.

The national electoral platform of his party, La Libertad Avanza, indicates that, firstly, it would work on a significant cut in public expenditure and a reform to reduce taxes, with flexibility in workplaces, commercial and financial areas.

A reform is also expected to cut funds allocated to reforms and pensions, a reduction in the number of ministries to eight and a gradual reduction in social plans.

And, to complete the plan, the “liquidation” of the Central Bank and reforms of the health, education and security systems are planned.

Other controversial proposals, such as the dollarization of the economy, make Milei the big news in Argentine politics in the October 2023 elections.

Who is Javier Milei

Born in the Palermo neighborhood, in Buenos Aires, on October 22, 1970, Milei had a childhood marked by controversial moments in his family, which he himself recognized in a program on the Argentine channel “Telefé”.

Although the relationship with her parents was not good, Milei found support in her sister. The economist recognizes that Karina Milei is the person who knows him best and is “the great architect” of his political events. Milei told different media outlets that if she becomes president, she will play the role of first lady.

Bolsonaro candidate

Before the first round, former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) sent a message of support to Milei with a promise. “My commitment, huh?! I’m going to your inauguration”, declared Bolsonaro.

After Milei’s victory, Bolsonaro said that “hope has shone again” in South America.

#Javier #Milei #elected #president #Argentina

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